2: Have I Awakened?

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You're walking in the halls. You had been expelled by the Principle.

Y/N: Expelled. Expelled. What's going to happen to me? I doubt any other school will take me. My parents are gonna kill me, literally.

Some students pass by you. They glared at you.

Your mind starts racing.

Y/N: What if they call the police? Will the police hear my side of the story? Of course they won't! It's like the entire world is against me!

Bully's Voice: "Oi, pervert."

At that point you start running.


Sona: "Expelled?"

Tsubaki: "Yes."

Sona: "That....doesn't make any sense."

Tsubaki: "What do you mean?"

Sona: "Think about it, has Himura ever hit anyone at his time in school?"

Tsubaki: "A-..........Huh? No....I haven't heard anything like that."

Sona: "I wish to tell you something."


You make it home. You open the door and enter, then close the door behind you. then-


Your father punched you, making you fall to the floor.

Dad: "Expelled?! For punching Daisuke?!"

Y/N: "It's no-

Dad: "-what you think?! I'm tired of your bullshit!"

Mom: "Stalking Sayaka, and going after her boyfriend?"

Y/N: "I-

Dad: "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! You're done!" He grabbed you and threw you out the door. Then he slammed it.

You run to the door and start banging on it.

Y/N: "Wait. Let me in, please!"

Ex-Dad: "You're no longer our son! Get lost, or I'm calling the police!"

Your face turns pale. You say nothing and start walking.


You were sitting on a park bench.

Y/N: "Expelled. Kicked out. No money. What do I do? Do I go to the police?.....No. They never sympathized with me. No one has.....Wait...what about Shitori? No.........No..........I can't.....I'm alone............now that I think about.....this gives me an excuse to finally.....end it."

????: Don't even think about it. You're not alone.

You flinch.

You look around, barely anyone was around. You silently laugh to yourself.

Y/N: "Great. I'm already going crazy. Hehehehehe."

You then notice a ring on your hand.

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