Chapter 1

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Bella's place felt kinda tense as we tackled finding her a date. Time was ticking, and Roni, full of energy, showed up late with a basket of treats, trying to ease Bella's wedding stress.

"Sorry for being late. I brought snacks and drinks to make up for it," Roni said, trying to be cool.

"Thanks." Bella replied, feeling a bit tense.

Roni didn't give up, saying, "Come on, Bells, let's get this party started."

"Ron, you find joy in the weirdest things," Bella said, showing her struggle.

"Do you mean finding you a date is weird?" Roni teased, sensing Bella's hesitation.

"Yeah, 'cause you know I doubt relationships," Bella admitted, letting her guard down a bit.

"Let's be honest. You're stuck in a fantasy, waiting for Mr. Miles Finn to come back from the military and fall madly in love with you," Roni said, tackling a touchy subject.

"I never said that, but I wouldn't mind if it happened," Bella confessed, blushing.

The next few hours were a mix of talk, laughs, and going through date options. Roni insisted on Wyatt Jones, calling him the "life of the party."

"Fine, Wyatt it is," Bella agreed, feeling like she had to make a decision.

Roni leaned in and said, "You know, Wyatt might be the perfect choice to keep you away from any potential drama with Miles."

Bella raised an eyebrow, curious. "What do you mean?"

Roni spilled the beans about Wyatt and Miles' history – how they were once football buddies until Wyatt's girlfriend, Mave, left him for Miles while he was injured. Miles and Mave didn't last long, but they kept things complicated with on-and-off dating, unlike Miles' other "flings."

Bella's eyes widened with realization. "You're so cruel, but this could work."

Roni nodded. "Exactly. Choosing Wyatt ensures you have a fun date and avoids any awkward encounters with Miles at the wedding. It's a win-win."

The night ended with Bella committing to a date and a quick dress fitting next week. She couldn't escape the complicated feelings about her past and the upcoming wedding..

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