The Power Of Love

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A few weeks ago, when Joseph was taking a shower, he had left his phone on the bed. It was going off like crazy. Text messages gallore. So, with me being very nosy, I decided to find out who was mysteriously texting him at 8:30 in the evening. I saw the name "Becca" on the screen. Who the fuck was Becca? I quickly read the text, and this is what is said. "Hey Joe, I was wondering how come you haven't texted me back? It has been a month since you have written back. I miss seeing you. Is there a way you can come by later tonight. I am wearing something special for you. Love you lots❤️" My heart sank. My husband of 2 years was cheating on me with some skank named Becca. I have to get down to the bottom of this.

I heard the shower turn off. I put the phone back where it was. I started to fidget with my wedding ring. He walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Don't get me wrong, this man is fine as hell, but he is cheating on me. He walked over to the dresser and was getting some sweatpants out. That's when I decided to bring it up. "Who is Becca? And why is she texting your phone telling you that she will be wearing something sexy for you. How long has this been going on for Joseph? We have been married for 2 years. So you have a lot of explaining to do!" I stare at him blankly, waiting for him to respond. He quickly grabbed his phone and looked at me all pissed off. He starts yelling at me, "Why the hell are you snooping through my phone for?"Just answer the damn question, Joseph. Who is she?" Joseph stares at me hard. His once calm and enchanting brown eyes are now dark with anger.

"Do you want to know who she is? Fine, I will tell you! Yes, her name is Becca, and I have seen her behind your back for 2 months." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. He has been seeing her for 2 months. Behind my back! I looked at him and said, " So my next 2 questions are. Have you had sex with her? And is she better than me?" Joseph just stands there. He paces back and forth in the bedroom and says, "No, we haven't had sex. Is that what you wanna hear? She wanted to, but I turned her down. I told her I was married. She didn't believe me, so I showed her our wedding pictures and the ring on my finger. So no, I never had sex with her, because you are the only one I want to have sex with."

I looked at Joseph because somehow I don't believe him. So I got up off the bed and walked over to him and said, "So why have you been seeing her for 2 months then? Explain that, please! If you can't, then I am packing my bags and I will stay with my parents for a few weeks. We made a vow, Joseph. We promised not to break each others hearts. And you have gone and broke mine after 2 years of marriage. And for the record, do you remember how we were trying to conceive for the past year and we have succeeded. Well, I took a pregnancy test this morning just for the fun of it, and it came back positive. Joseph, you're gonna be dad. So if you want to be part of this baby's life, you better explain to me why you have been sneaking around with her for 2 months." Walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and says."I stopped seeing her a month ago. Because you are the one for me. You are my girl, my wife, and now my soon to be mother of my unborn child. I haven't responded to her texts. She just doesn't get how much you actually mean to me. I love you, not her. Now, to show you how much you mean to me, I will delete and block her number from off my phone." Joseph went into his contacts and right in front of me. He deletes and blocks Becca's number. So he wasn't lying. I kissed his lips and said, "I have a song to show you that you are my man, and I am your lady. So let me press play so you can listen to it. It's from Celine Dion." I pressed play on my phone, and The Power Of Love started playing, and I start singing along to it.

The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling like thunder now
As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake

'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

Joseph Quinn & Y/N ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now