Daddy Quinn

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    Joseph and I have been trying for a baby for a few years now. But we haven't succeeded. We mostly went through miscarriage after miscarriage. I was just so upset and heartbroken that I couldn't carry his children. I wanted to find out the reason for all these miscarriages. So, I scheduled an appointment with my OB-GYN to get some answers. Once my schedule was set,I told Joseph. He really wants children, and I feel bad that I can't give him that.

  On the day of the appointment ,I was very nervous to find out the problem of me not being able to get pregnant. We pulled up to the building. My legs were bouncing up and down, and my breathing was getting heavy. I was having a panic attack. Joseph held my hands and told me to relax and that everything would be alright. Once I was feeling better,we walked into the building holding hands. I squeezed his hand really tight. He didn't seem to be bothered about it. I checked in and sat down in the waiting room. I didn't have to wait long. 20 minutes is how long I waited. They called me in.

     We followed the nurse into the room she had lay down on the bed and lifted up my shirt. I did what I was asked to do. She squirted some jelly like liquid on my belly. Then she used the machine that checks my insides. After a few minutes of the scan,the nurse got up and left the room without an explanation. Joseph and I were quite curious and confused. 5 minutes have gone by, and the nurse comes back in with the doctor. The doctor takes over the machine and starts  scanning my belly. She looked at me and said, "When was the last time you and your boyfriend had unprotected sex?" That was an extremely personal question,but I had no choice but to answer. "We had unprotected sex 12 weeks ago. Why? Is there something wrong?" The doctor smiles at Joseph and I. We both looked at each other with confused looks. We were wondering what she meant by that. So Joseph asked, "Doctor,what do you mean by that? All we wanted to know is why she can't get pregnant."

  The doctor smiled again and showed us the screen. She pointed to the screen and said, "That there is your baby! You are about 12 weeks along. So you're 3 months pregnant." I wanted to cry and freak out at the same time. I looked at the doctor and said, "I...I haven't felt any symptoms of pregnancy for these past 3 months. Are...are you sure there's a baby in there?" She nodded her head and said,"Do you want to hear the heartbeat. To know for sure it's real?" Joseph and I both nodded our heads. She turns the button on and turns the volume up. And sure enough,there was a tiny heartbeat. I couldn't help but cry. I looked over at Joseph, and he had tears in his eyes.

   He looked at the doctor and said, "We have been trying to conceive for 3 years now, and we haven't had any luck. She has gone through at least three or four miscarriages. This is the best news we have ever gotten. Thank you so much." The doctor took hold of Joseph's hand and said,"Y/n,when you got checked out a few years back,did they tell the reason why you couldn't have any children?" I looked at Joseph and then back at the doctor and said,"No,they didn't say what was actually the reason why I couldn't conceive. Joseph's sperm is normal,so we knew it wasn't him. And I kind of figured that it had something to do with me." The doctor nodded her head and said "Well I am gonna tell you what you had,okay.  You had PCOS,which mkeans Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. That can cause you to not be able to get pregnant. Sometimes, there are different ways to become pregnant. Most women use IVF, which is a shot you use every week. But you don't have to worry about that,because you are already pregnant. Which is quite a miracle. You are pregnant with your miracle, baby. Congratulations again."

   Joseph and I walked out of the doctor's and scheduled an appointment in 2 months. As we got into the car,I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "Baby,we did it. We are gonna be parents. I never expected this to happen. God works in mysterious ways. We are having a baby,Joseph. I can't believe it." I started to cry happy tears,Joseph pulled me into a hug. "God does work in mysterious ways, sweetheart. He knew that we had been trying for so long. He finally realized that we have been wanting to be parents. And now we are being blessed by this little miracle." He places his hamd on my belly. I placed mine on top of his. This is a dream come true.

Joseph Quinn & Y/N ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now