We walk into work together, heading straight for the locker rooms. We get changed and situated before walking to the nurse's station together. We start looking over the reports from last night. I started clearing our patient board since I guess that was too hard to do.

"Would Christian make me one of these every morning?"

"Honestly, yes."

"Just say it's for you and then bring it with you."

"He knows that I don't like it."

I take a seat in my chair, settling into this quiet morning. I start to hear a high whistle. "Are you whistling?" I ask.

"No, I thought that was you."

"Sydney," I mouth since she must be near.

She grabs two tablets, one for me and one for herself. I log into our scheduling system, "I really need to fix my schedule. I can't be coming in at 6 am anymore."

"Why's that?" Sydney asks, "I'm only asking because I appreciate you coming in earlier than most do."

I look to Bridget. "I'm starting to appreciate my sleep more than I have in the past," I tell her.

It's not a lie. I am sleeping more than I normally would be especially on the weekends. "Is that some comment to tell me that we're understaffed?"


She shrugs, "Figured it was."

I hold my head in my hand. "Well, I just wanted to ask if I could be your shadow today. I figured you wouldn't mind."

It's not like I have a choice to decline. Bridget gets up and leaves me alone, "Yeah, sure," I tell her.

"Awesome, thanks. I'll be back in an hour."

She walks away. Bridget comes back laughing. I throw a pen at her, "This isn't funny."

"It is."

She tosses the pen back at me, "It's only funny to you because you're not the one going to suffer for the entire day."

"Suffer? You're dramatic."

"I almost hope we're not busy today because then she won't follow me around like a puppy."

She laughs, "I'll hope for that too. When are you guys going to start telling people? We're telling our parents this weekend."

"Well, we're in a different boat than you guys and I'm a week behind you."

"I know but I still want to know."

"I think I would be okay with telling our parents after 8 weeks. But I'm just trying to get there. Then the focus will be trying to get to 12 weeks."

"How's his mom going to react?"

"I don't know. I'm avoiding that thought right now."

"One thing I've noticed about you is that you avoid a lot of things."

"Thank you for that observation."

"What about your parents?"

"Besides shocked, well, I think they'll be happy. I'm basically the golden child."

"That's unusual for being the oldest."

"Well, when your little sister gets pregnant at 17 and you stay in college and finish your degree on time and then go on to get another degree, that happens."

"And your brother?"

"Well, after everyone learned about Ella, they decided to force him to go to college and then he hated it but still graduated because our parents wouldn't let him drop out."

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