Chapter 11: The Great Duel (H̶u̶m̶i̶l̶i̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶)

Start from the beginning

But anyways. U-556. While she was with Bismarck. Was lagging behind due to her diesel engines acting up.

So it was literally a duel between her and... Whatever is she facing her.

And that hole right there is probably the first of multiple that will hit her. Atleast that's what she thought.

Warszawa's POV

Before the Salvo hit her. I decided to Transport the Admiral to Błyskawica as I plan to fight her head on Rigging to Rigging, Shipgirl to... Shipboy I guess?

Although should I be called a shipboy? Maybe shipman is better. But it sounds so WRONG...

But. I'm at a disadvantage. While I have training in fighting Kansen to Kansen fighting. I haven't really ACTUALLY fought a Kansen in an actual engagement. And...

(A/N: I will make Warszawa respectful even to enemies by either calling them. Lord, Lady or Her Majesty. Like for example. Lady Hood or Lady Bismarck. And of course I will always make him call QE. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Cuz why not? And also she's one of my fav characters despite her behavior)

Well. She actually has experience in fighting compared to me despite being around for about the same time as her. The Interwar Period.

(A/N: From my understanding. The Azur Lane lore is basically just a reenactment of WW2 but with Shipgirls instead of actual ships but they still have the memories of their service life. For example. Hood still has memories of her round-the-world trip and her destruction. So if that was the case. Then Bismarck will retain her experience in fighting. Fighting Hood, PoW, KGV and Rodney. So she has the advantage of EXP in combat. Then again it means that the Dating system i put is false and... Ah forget it.)

And the fact that I was designed to NOT have a hand-held weapon. Why? Well. During my development it was felt that I didn't need to have a Hand-held Weapon like Lady Bismarck's Flagpole for example in combat as I was supposed to be just sitting in the back line. Opening fire and letting the other ships/smaller support ships do the work

(A/N: Think of it as the Vanguard Fleet and Main Fleet mechanic of the AL Game Version.)

Of course. He didn't take into account that shipgirls don't follow that principle very obviously and pretty much the only class that doesn't engage in open close quarters combat is Submarines. And Warszawa is definitely NOT a submarine, He is a battleship so he doesn't have the luxury that Subs have.

So not only does Warszawa not have a weapon for Close Quarters Combat which is definitely gonna happen but he also doesn't have experience.

Think he will lose?

Perhaps. But on the bright side. He does a shield. Won't do much but hey. It's something right?

Anyways. He closes his eyes as his ship glows a bright blue for a moment before the glow subsides and he catches air for a moment before he lands on the sea. Looks at the general direction of where Bismarck is. And smiles. A sense of pride loomed on his mind. Before he proudly says.

Warszawa: Warszawa. Pride of the Polish People. Rigging mode. Engaged.

Now hold on for a moment. I have to tell you something important. Warszawa Rigging formation and how it's formed.

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