Chapter 5: The Twin Jade's Reappearance

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"YILING LAOZHU, WEI WUXIAN!" A sudden voice growled. "You finally fell into our trap."

Before Wei Ying could answer, a barrier of blue and red trapped them with no escape. Jiang Cheng and Jingyi's group, which was up in the sky, was repelled by the barrier; Wen Ning's group, however, was able to remain inside.

"Who are you? Come out and face us like a real man!" Wei Ying yelled. As if on cue, a man who looked somewhat the age of 30 appeared. Covered entirely in black, he wore a mask that had red glaring eyes and a wicked smile. His hands were gripping onto something so dangerous, it could wipe out even the mighty Gusu Lan Sect.

Stygian Tiger Amulet.

"Shit, he has the amulet," Wei Ying cursed.

"Sandu Shengshou's Zidian is too powerful," the man said. "But this won't take long."

"Who are you, really? To be able to recover the Stygian Tiger Amulet, to be able to summon such a number of corpses, you truly must be a strong person."

"I am AngWen, Jin Guangyao's closest subordinate after Su Minshan." AngWen chuckled a little, motioning two corpses forward into the moonlight. "I want everyone to meet my... puppets." Gray and Gold were seen. The first corpse caused a ton of trouble after Wei Ying's ressurection unintentionally, however, was an aquaintance of Wei Ying. The second ruined Wei Ying's entire life, before and after. But not just his; Sizhui, Lan Zhan, Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng, and so many more.

The first, Nie Mingjue.

The second, Jin Guangyao.

"A-Ling!" Sizhui yelled. Jin Ling's knees buckled at the sight of his dead uncle in front of him, eyes closing as he fell unconscious. Sizhui caught him in time, however, realizing he couldn't fight with Jin Ling and himself already injured, he settled Jin Ling's head onto his arm and knelt down.

AngWen cackled at the sight of the young ones. "Why so worried? He's not dead... yet!" He lunged forward, a dagger coated in green pointing at Sizhui and Jin Ling. Wei Ying ran in front of the two, getting stabbed in the middle."


"WUXIAN-DI!" Another voice came from the direction of the forests. It was serene yet angry. Any cultivator would immediately recognise who it was. Stepping into the moonlight, dressed in a blue-teal and white hanfu, eyes a blue-grey, reflecting anger and rage. A jade pendant hung from his belt, and a Lan headband swayed in the wind, its mighty cloud symbol in the middle. Tucked in his belt was Liebing, he mighty flute of the Sect Leader Lan; in his hand was Shuoyue, the powerful blade of the Zewu Jun, the Eldest Jade. Lan Huan, courtesy name Lan Xichen, stood under the moon, his sword complimenting the moon with its name.

"Zewu... Zewu Jun!" AngWen laughed. "ZEWU JUN, YOU CAME OUT OF SECLUSION ALREADY! It truly is my lucky day."

"YOU! You dug up Da-Ge and San-Ge's bodies. You dug out the amulet, even!" Lan Xichen yelled.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying struggled to his feet as both green and red oozed from his body.

"Wangji, get Wuxian-di to Gusu first. He is poisoned."


"This is my battle to fight. You needn't get involved."

"Wei Wuxian!" Sparks of the Zidian could be seen, breaking the barrier into pieces. Jiang Cheng stood by Lan Xichen. "Get Wei Wuxian to safety. Bring A-Ling and that Sizhui of yours, too."

Just as Wei Wuxian was about to protest, he started to feel numb and all went black.

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