• 55 • proposals, presumptions, and paris

Start from the beginning

"I admire you, Gilbert Blythe."

Gilbert held Delly against his chest, "You do?"

"When I was your age, I would have settled if it meant financial security and a future I dreamt of."

Mary removed her pan from the stove, walked up to him, and reached out her arms to take Delly.

Gilbert handed her over, "I'm doing the right thing?"

"You very rarely don't." Mary bounced her baby and smiled, "I told you only to marry for love, I'm just glad you're listening."

"Gilbert listening?" Bash walked in and tousled Gilbert's hair, having heard enough of their conversation to know what was happening, "Now this is something I gotta see."

Gilbert groaned and sat at the table, "Ha ha."

"What I'm listening to," Bash grinned, "is you admitting I've been right all along."

He sat next to Gilbert triumphantly and patted his back, "It's Anne, you've always loved Anne!"

"Volume." Gilbert put his hand up and pushed Bash away, "It doesn't matter how I feel about Anne, she doesn't feel that way about me."

Mary scoffed from across the room, "You're joking, right?"

"We talked last night." Gilbert's regret took over again.

"And she said she doesn't love you?" Mary joined the boys at the table with Delly on her lap.


Gilbert knew he wasn't exactly being fair to Anne. He had put her in a tough position. But he also knew he directly asked her if she loved him and she didn't say anything.

She also didn't say no.

Bash opened his mouth to protest but Mary put her hand on his arm, silencing him.

Mary was the only person in the room who knew everything. She wasn't working off of speculation or hope, Anne told her about her feelings and hesitations. Mary knew she could tell this all to Gilbert right now.

But what would it do? Anne needed to take control of her own life and love story.

"Well we're here. No matter which girl is breaking your heart." Mary assured Gilbert, who in that moment looked more lost and defeated than she had seen him before.

"Or which girl's heart you're breaking." Bash wanted to be supportive, but he couldn't hold back his endless need to tease his brother.

"Bash!" Mary scolded.


Gilbert still smiled, though it was pained, "Thanks."


Winifred arrived that afternoon at Gilbert's house promptly. Gilbert had invited her for tea, and she enthusiastically said yes.

It only took seconds of her knocking for a nervous Gilbert to open the door, "Winifred."

"Tea as usual?" She beamed at him, blind to his anxiousness.

Gilbert's palms were sweating, "As usual." He managed a nervous smile.

He had put on his best suit and actually combed his hair for once. Gilbert was doing his best to make this moment painless for Winifred. She deserved the best, and he was going to try to do that for her.

Winifred smiled gratefully and took his arm as they walked to his parlor.

She thought she knew exactly what was about to happen. Her father had informed her he planned on talking to Gilbert in December. She wasn't exactly sure who prolonged the timeline, but it's half a year later and it's finally happening.

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