chapter 8-battles part 2

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Before I left cheryl tho, I had to ask one question that I had been wondering about since it happened, why did Reggie do it, he just never seemed like the type of person who would do that, but I've been wrong before ,but one thing I wasn't wrong about was my live for cheryl. "Cheryl, before I go, I need to ask you something." "What is it, Archiekins?" "Is there any reason  that you can think to cause Reggie to do this?". She looked down as if she knew, but she was scared to tell me. "Hey, listen, I'm with you now. ok always you can tell me anything." She raised her head up and smiled at me. "Archiekins, perpare yourself, but know one thing I love you." "Ok...". I said, confused.                                                         " so, before me and you I was lost didn't really know what to do so I turned into a terrible person,  I needed someone so in private me and Reggie would sneak around we'd made out in several places in the school, but eventually Reggie wanted more than that so he tried to touch me I told him no that I wasn't ready for that yet. But he continued, so I slapped him and ran off. "
" So why did he push you down in the hallway yesterday?.
"He came to me and started talking some terrible things about you, so I punched  him, and he shoved me to the ground."
"And I'm guessing he done this to get back at both of us,"  I said, starting to realize the situation.
I quickly got up and kissed cheryl and told her I'd be back.
Betty and Veronica went in to stay with her. In the distance, I heard motorcycles reving I walked outside to see Jughead and the serpents roll up. There must have been at least 20 of them.
Jughead hopped off his bike and walked to me. "I told you we had your back." As he patted me on the back.. "Do you know where he is?". "No, that's why I needed your help." He nodded and looked at the group of serpents. "Split up, call me when u find him." He said, demanding it.
"I'll ride with you." He said, "I know a place where he might be." We hopped in my car and left. we drove down a few streets in riverdale just to make sure he wasn't out jogging or something. It had been hours since it happened, so he could have been anywhere
"Where do u think he is?" Jughead asked
"Well, he loves to work out, so maybe the gym." "Sounds reasonable enough." Jughead said. So we drove downtown to the gym. we got out and looked around, but he was nowhere to be found. But suddenly Jughead phone buzzed it was one of the serpents the message read "we dound him but he took off he headed for riverdale highschool".
We immediately hopped in my car and took off towards the school.
As we approached the school I saw the signature riverdale foot ball jacket as it took off down the street I stopped and told Jughead to" call the sheriff and tell him we caught the guy who assaulted cheryl I jumped out and took off after him.
We ran for nearly a mile when I took a shortcut and immediately tackled him. I said no words except "this is payback for what you did to cheryl." I took a swing and hit him in the head he managed to tune me over, and suddenly, he was onto of me swinging down at me. "She got what she deserved." He said as he continued swinging at me, which only made me that much more upset naturally. I head butted him, causing him to fall over, stumbling to my feet, and he stumbled to his, "Just give it up. Reggie, the sherif is on his way." He said nothing as he lunged back at me. I moved to the side and stuck my foot out and tripped him. He hit the ground with a loud thud, and the sound of sirens approached. The sherif got out and said, "And you're sure that's who done it." "I'd bet my life on it, sir." I said confidentiality.
As the sherif arrested him and took him to jail me and Jughead I headed back to Cheryl because I just couldn't wait to have her back in my arms
When we got home I walked inside cheryl was in the kitchen, she saw me and dropped everything and ran to me. And jumped into my arms. Despite the pain I was in, I accepted this because I loved her so much. She jumped down and looked at me. "Oh my God Archie". She said, looking at me and beginning to cry
"Hey, don't cry. I'm ok, especially since Reggie got what was coming to him."
She nodded at me and saw all the dried blood on me. "Come on, Archie, let's go shower, and get you cleaned up". We made it to the bathroom where I had began to take my clothes off, only revealing more battle scars. I heard cheryl take a deep breath as she gasped
"Archie, i-im so sorry that you had to get hurt because of me." I imidideintly turned to her and placed my hand on her face as she put her hand on mine
"I'd do it again in a second to protect you." I said, leaning in to kiss her. "I promise you I won't let anything happen to you ever again." I had bet my life on those words. I turned around and stepped in the shower and held out my hand. "wanna join me." She looked at me and smiled and got undressed as she took my hand and stepped in and began to kiss me as she closed the curtin behind her.

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