chapter 4-the ice queen melteth

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After I ran from Cheryl in fear after she kissed me, I couldn't help but wonder why was I running for I had wanted this for years. But I just kept going and didn't look back over the next couple days at school I started seeing less of cheryl,I couldn't help but be mad at myself bc ik that I hurt her and the funny thing is I don't even know why. It was that morning our school principal had announced that we would be receiving new students, from south side high, serpents, me,betty,Jughead and Veronica decided to go to south side high and figure out what was going on, we got down there and went in it was chaotic in there drugs alcohol, you name it, but Jughead wasn't a bit worried bc he himself was a serpent, so he had our backs we decided to do some investigating to figure out what was happening, we started asking around to see if anyone had heard anything. We come to a serpent named Toni topaz, "have you heard anything regarding this school being closed?" Jughead asked with authority. " Yeah, I heard the principal talking about how someone bought the property paid it in cash up front". Veronica dropped her head and sighed. "What's up ronnie". I said, worried about her. " ik who bought it." We all asked at once, " Who..". "My parents."she said shakily. We turned to Tony. " Thanks for your help. ".. then we all pulled into My car that cheryl had bought me, the whole time driving home I couldn't stop thinking about cheryl so after I dropped everyone off at there house I decided to drive to Thornhill, when I got there the gates were open. So I drove up and knocked on the door,Mr. Blossom answered the door. "Can I help you?"
"HI, Mr Blossom,  is cheryl home "yes why do u ask? " "Will you tell her I'd like to speak with her about what happened?" I said with sorrow in my voice. "I'll go ask her." He said as if he already knew the answer. I stood there at the door patiently. I head the door open,  " Why pray tell do u want to speak with moi?" " Cheryl, I'm so...". She interrupts." I'm gonna stop you right there, Archie. You ran from me 2 days ago, and now u suddenly want to apologize." I don't wanna hear it as tears fall from her face. " You can leave now."
"But..."LEAVE!!!" She yells. I tuned and walked back to my car. Surprisingly, she let me keep it. I'm not sure why because she hates me. And now I hate myself because I hurt the girl of my dreams. As I drove home, I stopped at Jughead house. "Jug. I screwed up. " "What happened man". He said, " Cheryl kissed me." "OK, so I thought that's what you wanted." He said, very confused. "It was, or so I thought." I said, still unsure of my recent decisions. " ok, so tell me how did u screw up". . " Well, after she kissed me, I froze in fear and ran." I said as I began to feel a tear form. " Well, go apologize to her,"  he said, feeling confident in what he had said. " Yeah, well, I tried that she yelled at me and told me to leave." I felt that tear run down my face
"I'm sorry man". He said, feeling bad for me
The next day at school was the day that the Southside serpents would come to riverdale, but still, there was no sign of cheryl. I was so angry with myself and worried about cheryl. " Well, here they come, let all welcome them respectfully." She announced to the school.   They walked in, and immediately Reggie tried to start a fight with a serpent named Fangs. I rushed and grabbed Reggie. " What the heck are you doing?" As I shoved him against a locker, " those nasty greasers don't belong here." " Reggie, you're gonna get yourself killed." He looked back at me in shock and disbelief but yet he knew I was telling the truth they all got settled in betty and Veronica gave them a tour but me I decided to go to Cheryl's cheer squad The River Vixens " have you guys seen or heard from Cheryl ". They all shook their heads no. Lunch time rolled around. I sat down with the rest of my friends. " I'm worried about cheryl." I said betty and Veronica had no clue as to what happened." What happened Arch". Betty asked, worried about me. Jughead looked at them and told them, " Cheryl kissed him, and he chickened out and ran, and now she hasn't been to school in days she yelled at him, and now he's mad at himself".  "Thanks, Jughead, for summing up my whole life." I chuckled, trying to hide my pain. Shortly after I got a message, I picked my phone up from Cheryl. " I'm going to be with Jason now. I hope u have a great life." I jumped up, guys. we gotta go now. They didn't ask questions. We all rushed out to my car . As we raced down the road, " Archie, what's going on?" Cheryl is in trouble. " What do you mean in trouble?" Jughead asked as he held on for life itself. " she is going to sweet water river to try and drown herself. We approached the forest. I jumped out of the car with out putting it in park or anything I ran without stopping I approached the frozen river where all I saw was firey red hair , she stood up and turned around, "CHERYL". I screamed in absolute fear. " Please don't do this. Come to me, we can work through this." I yelled. No sooner than I yelled that I heard the ice break beneath her as she fell through. I imidideintly without thought, ran to where she fell through the river, which flowed harshly under the ice. She had been caught by the current. I imminently started racking away snow to try and find her and there I saw a white dress with red hair and then I saw it her last breath, the gang hadn't made it to me yet I yelled "HELP". No response, so I began to start to punch the ice as hard as I could. repeatedly, I punched blood mixed with the clear water. Then I finally broke through and grabbed her pulled her to the surface and listened and hoped for a breath but nothing I began cpr and leaned down and give her what she would soon describe the kiss of life. She coughed, and water came rushing from her mouth as I placed my hand on her cheek. "It's ok now, cheryl, I got you now."

To be continued........

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