chapter 2- Tree tapping

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The next day, I woke up. I was really excited because today was the day of the tree tapping ceremony. But it was exciting for me was I had a date with Cheryl. I heard my phone buzz. I picked up the message said "meet me outside." it was betty I had wondered what does she wanted. I questioned myself. I went outside to find betty standing on my front porch she hugged me and said "listen I need a favor?" she asked. I looked at her in question and said, " Of course anything."
She looked at me with a friendly smile. My sister is staying at Thornhill. I was wondering if u could tell her something for me. " I looked at her and said, " Sure."
She looked at me in worry for her sister. " Could you tell her to please call me? I'm worried about her." " Of course," I said. with a friendly smile, " Thank you, Arch." she hugged me and walked away. I went back inside ro a message from Cheryl with special instructions on what to wear " I know I don't typically like people wearing my signature color but in this circumstance I'll alow it you need to wear red". I texted her back. "ok Cheryl, I can't wait." She texted me back and told me  " Don't get too excited it's just an afternoon, not forever." I read this confused because the day prior, she seemed as if she wanted it to be more than that, but nonetheless, I was still excited and happy to go. 
A couple hours later, I was about to get ready when I heard the loud noise of a car approaching, then tires screeching to a stop, then a knock upon the door. I walked downstairs as I opened the door. I was met by a fire red-headed girl. I looked at her with the biggest smile and said "Cheryl waht are you doing here?" She looked back at me with a smirk and said, " I wanted to give you this as a mear thank you for going with me." I looked at her with slight confusion about what is it she reached down in her pockets and pulled out the keys to a car. " Come with me." She had brought me a Pontiac firebird in candy apple red. " Here's the keys to a new Pontiac in my signature color, Your welcome," she said, seeming full of  herself. I looked at her in shock. " Cheryl, I can't take this." " Of course you can. I won't take no for a answer". I looked at her, still in shock and speechless. " Well, don't just stand there. Go get ready. you're taking me back to Thornhill." I looked at her in surprise. " Oh, shoot, I forgot, I'll be right back."

As I came back downstairs, I walked outside to the car already running and cheryl in the passenger seat, " cmon Archie your driving," she said with impatience in her voice. As we drove down the road, I just couldn't help but look at her she was just so beautiful wearing that red outfit, which she only wore red, but nonetheless, she was still beautiful. She looked at me and said, " Take a picture, it will last longer." Cheryl was always the type to be rude but I didn't pay her any attention bc regardless of what she said I still liked her, "sorry" I said looking back at the road I just couldn't help it with you looking so beautiful in that outfit ".I imminently stopped my sentence as she looked at me in shock. I thought to myself, "Did I really just say that?"
" I'm sorry I shouldn't have said all that" with remorse in my voice.
She looked at me, still surprised by what I said, " No, it's ok. No one has ever treated me the way you do." She said I just looked and smiled
We pulled up to Thornhill she stopped  me before I got out, and she said, " Don't be worried. All u have to do is hold the bucket. I'll do the rest." " OK Cheryl," I said, and we approached the rest of the crowd.Mr. Blossom gave a speech and introduced Cheryl.we walked up the tree, and she paused in fear. She just looked at me scared. " Hey, you can do this in your sleep." she nodded and swung the axe, and instantly out came the thick goo that was like gold to the blossoms. We all cheered, and soon we began to walk back to the house. I couldn't help but overhear the board members' bad talk Cheryl I imidideintly snapped and said "Hey"cheryl tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen. "Cheryl loved her brother I mean cmon asking someone not to cry at there family members funeral especially a twin brother is like having a screen door on a submarine it just don't work she supported her brother in everything he did no matter what it was, and not to mention she is the smartest person ik,something I've learned since knowing Cheryl is that she can do anything she sets her mind to and never bet against Cheryl blossom because you will regret it" I said in absolute anger, she just looked at me and smiled as we walked past them.

We approached the front door of Thornhill where Mr blossom met me and asked me to join them for a banquet later that, I said week" oh, I don't know Mr blossom, I'm just a Andrew's" Cheryl quickly approached and said " oh hush Archie. I won't take no for an answer. I need a dance partner. " As she said this, he tried to hide her red cheeks and smile. I looked at both of them, trying to hide the fact I was thrilled to be asked to join them. " I dont have a suit sir". " I'll have my tailor  fit you I'd that's not a problem." I paused for a moment to think as Cheryl spoke up, " Come on, please .... Archiekins. "she said in a flirty tone. I looked up and said, " ok, I'll be there."

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