Court Meeting and Prison Break

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Court announcer: "All rise, preceding over the trial and hearing, the Honorable Justice Smith and his second in command, Sir Edward!"

The two men in large wigs and red robes rose to their seats. The courtroom was roaring with commands and bellows of "Hang him! String him up!" The hooded defendant stood in anxiousness.

"Now....What do we have here?" Said one of the men, flashing his golden-toothed smile.

"It seems to me, as though we've a pirate on our hands, Judge!" Said the other man, scratching his goatee. The defendant, now revealed to be a mutton-chopped man with dark gray hair, was confused.

"Jack? (Y/n)?" He asked, before the court-holder whacked him in the back. The crowd cheered only for a moment.

"Not necessary. You were saying?" Said the gold-toothed man.

"Please elaborate, and continue." Said the pasty-skinned goateed man, cupping his hand to his ear.

"Jack Sparrow nor (Y/n) are my name, my name is Joshamee Gibbs!" The crowd booed.

"Is that so? It says Jack" He said, gesturing to the pamphlet. The other man held his glasses close to the paper to make sure, nodding in agreement.

"I tried to tell 'em. I'm not Jack Sparrow, nor (Y/n), who I would be happy to identify to the court if it so helps my case!" He said, an undertone of impatience in his voice.

"I think that would be a poor defense...unless you want to be bludgeoned again like a harp seal." The gold-toothed man said as the crowd beat the top of their conjoined tables and cheered. "The prisoner claims of being innocent of being Jack Sparrow, how do you find?" He asked the jury's head member. He rose in confusion.

"No trial? But aren't we here to examine the evidence?" He said, before the judge cut him off.

"Foreman, your finding. Guilty?" He asked.

"Guilty verdict means he'll hang." The crowd roared in raucous cheers. "Guilty?" He said in confusion.

"That's not fair!" The defendant, Gibbs exclaimed, the crowd roaring in joy.

"Shut it!" The goateed judge said, immediately silencing the crowd's chaotic behavior.

"Mister Gibbs! The crime of which you've been found guilty of, is being innocent of being Jack Sparrow. I hereby commute your sentence, and order you to be imprisoned for the remainder of your miserable, moribund, mutton-chopped life." The man said as the crowd roars in boos and confusion. "There." He slams the gavel on his desk. The crowd begins to screech in confusion and anger, but the goateed man turns back around and glares at the courtroom. They fall silent.

*         *         *

"A clever plan, eh Cap'n?" (Y/n) said, wiping the paste-like makeup off his face and throwing the wig to the ground. Jack chuckled.

"I must say (Y/n), if I had even a slight ounce of some creativity you've got, I'd be on me own crew." Sparrow said, chucking his robe into a closet with a tied and gagged man in the corner. (Y/n) did the same, revealing his strapping stature and red skirt from his homeland across his waist. The Golden Fleece he had on his left shoulder gleamed in the dim light.

*       *       *

The coachman stood outside waiting, and grinned a foul-toothed smile upon seeing Jack. He took his hat off of the horse's head. (Y/n) nodded at him, as they hopped into the back of the coach. Gibbs was subsequently tossed in there along with the two. The coachman whipped his switch, and the horses went on.

"Hell's teeth. Now we're all headed to prison." He said. Jack shrugged.

"Not to worry, I've paid off the driver. In 10 minutes, we'll all be outside London Town, horses waiting, tonight we'll make the coast." (Y/n) said, smiling proudly. Jack threw an arm around his old mate's shoulder, and patted it, chuckling.

"Then it's just a matter of finding a ship." Jack said, pulling a bottle of rum from his coat pocket, before he took a long sip.

"All part of the plan, yes?" Gibbs asked, as Jack passed him the bottle.

"Aye. We arrived in London Town just this morning to rescue one Joshamee Gibbs from one appointment with the gallows, and seeing as you're all still alive, I'd say the plan has been very successful thus far. What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged." Jack asked, as Gibbs handed (Y/n) the bottle.

"Aye, but I always listened like a thief for news of the Black Pearl. Nobody's seen where she'll next make port. Then, I hear a rumor; Jack Sparrow and (Y/n)'s leaving here with a ship, and looking for a crew." Gibbs said. Jack was confused.

"Are not." He said.

"But that's what I heard. Fact is, you're both signing up men tonight. Pub called 'Captain's Daughter'". Gibbs said as Jack snatched the bottle from (Y/n).

"Are not!" Jack said, defending his case.

"Well, I thought it a bit odd, but then, you two have never been the most predictable of sorts." He said as Jack took another swig from the bottle, passing it back to Gibbs.

"Tell me something. There is another Jack Sparrow and (Y/n) out there, sullying our good names?" He said.

"Some imposters." (Y/n) said, scowling at the very thought of someone out there using his reputation for fame.

"Indeed. But.....some imposters with a ship." Jack said, as Gibbs passed the bottle back to (Y/n).

"And looking for a crew." Gibbs said.

"Which as fate would have are we." He said as he grinned slyly.

"What of you, Jack? Last I heard, you and (Y/n) were hell-bent in finding the fabled Fountain of Youth. Any luck?" He said as he took a scroll out from Jack's pocket and began to unfurl it. Jack snatched it back.

"Circumstances arose and forced a compelling insight regarding discretion and valor." He said as he rolled it back up.

"Meaning, we gave up." (Y/n) said, before Jack lightly whacked him in the chest with the map.

"We did not! We are just as bent as ever. Hellishly so. We shall taste those waters, master Gibbs. Mark my words." Jack said, before the coach came to a halt.

"Hmm. Short trip." (Y/n) said as he smiled. The three rose and stepped out of the coach, only to be surrounded by a group of British redcoats.

"All part of the plan, yes?" Gibbs asked, confused. Jack turned to answer but a redcoat hit his back with the base of his musket. (Y/n) caught him and looked to Gibbs with an "Oh bugger" expression.

"Nope." He said as the redcoats grabbed he and Jack by the arms and drug them into a palace.

Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Kratos Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora