
Leah was horrified the whole game. She kept almost getting shot, her hair was almost lit on fire, it sucked.

"H-how do you lot find this fun," Leah muttered to herself, while dodging an arrow.

"Hey kid," an Aphrodite kid yelled while pulling out her sword.

Leah made the mistake of freezing up, so before she could run off or put up her shield, the Aphrodite kid swung at her, leaving a nasty cut in her arm. She stared at the wound for a while before passing out.

* * *

The first thing Leah saw when she woke up was a boy talking to Kalley. He had blonde hair that looked like rays of sun and icey blue eyes. He also had a smaller paler boy leaning on his shoulder. He had jet black hair and eyes so dark; they looked like night itself; he also wore an aviator jacket about 3 sizes too big.

"Where am I?" Leah murmured while looking around.

"The Infirmary," The blonde kid answered.

"What?" Leah asked.

"The Infirmary," Kalley repeated, "It's the place we treat injured campers."

"Oh, how bad is the wound?" Leah questioned, with worry in her voice.

"Not the worst thing I've seen but it was pretty deep so I cleaned it up with some nectar, but it might heal faster if you drink some of it."

"Drink it?" Leah repeated, now very confused.

"Nectar is a drink that demigods, and gods drink to heal themselves," The blonde boy, who Leah later learned was named Will, explained while handing Leah a canteen of nectar, "but demi-gods can't drink too much, or we'll erupt into flames or something."

"Comforting," Leah said, taking the canteen, "What does it taste like?" Leah questioned.

"Drink it and see," Kalley said.

With that totally clear answer, Leah took a sip. It tasted like Coca Cola, which surprised Leah, because it was a clear yellow liquid that moved like honey. After Leah drank it, she immediately felt better.

"Oh, hey this is cool," Leah said, while handing the canteen back to Will.

After a while, Leah was finally able to leave with only some bandages around the wound while it healed. As Kalley and Leah walked back to cabin 20, Leah got curious about something.

"Hey Kalley, can I message my dad at all?" Leah asked.

"Oh yeah, you can Iris-Message him," Kalley answered.

"Iris-Message?" Leah repeated, very confused.

"The goddess Iris will sometimes send messages for people using rainbows," Kalley explained, nonchalantly.

"Alright, so how does it work?" Leah questioned.

"You throw a drachma into a rainbow, say a phrase and hope she replies," Kalley answered.

"Well, could I maybe, Iris-message my dad?" Leah asked hopefully.

"Of course you can, let me show you," Kalley said, grabbing Leah's arm and running off towards the Iris cabin.

Once Kalley let go of Leah's arm, Kalley ran straight towards a taller buff man.

"Hey Butch, could you help us get a rainbow?" Kalley asked.

"Sure, why do you need a rainbow though?" Butch asked back.

"Leah wants to talk to her dad," Kalley responded.

"Ah I see," Butch said, and he led Leah over to a fountain, but instead of water pouring out of it, rainbows were.

"Just toss in a Golden Drachma and tell Iris who you want to call, after asking her of course" Butch explained.

Leah just nodded.

"Can I do this alone?" Leah asked.

"Of course," Butch said, "Let's get going everyone".

So soon, Leah was alone with a Drachma in her hand. She threw it in and repeated what butch told her to say.

"O' Iris, goddess of rainbows, please accept my offering," Leah said shakily, "Show me my dad, where ever he is".

Soon a picture of a weird creepy cave with stalactites hanging down from the ceiling, just like in her dream. She saw a tall man in a trench coat sitting down, staring at her.

"Oh, young hero," the man spoke, in a cold tone, "This is only the beginning for you."

This sent a shiver down Leah's spine; it was the same man that spoke to her in her dream. Then the man flicked his hand and the image dissolved, and then there was Leah, standing alone in the Iris cabin, with millions of questions running through her head.

Realm of the Hidden Heritage||Book 1||Where stories live. Discover now