31. What Moves Me

Start from the beginning

The blonde can't help but smile at such a simple task as him just jogging to the bathroom, but a few months ago that task looked so far out of reach.

After dinner and things are cleaned up Katsuki coming out of the shower tying the drawstrings on his pajama pants when he sees his boyfriend laying across the bed rubbing his calf.

The blonde smirks.

" Sore?"

Izuku laughs sheepishly.

" Yeah, really, really sore."

Katsuki chuckles.

" I told you you were over doing it nerd, now look at you."

The greenett smiles brightly.

" I know, but honestly it feels really good to be able to feel being sore."

The blonde hero nods then climbs onto the bed resting on his knees. Izuku watches him turn his plams up as the smell of nitroglycerin hits the air. Katsuki warms his hands throughly then takes the greenett's muscular calfs into strong hot hands and begins to massage them.

The greenett melts at the touch that immediately sends relief, laying back dramatically putting his arm over his eyes with a smile still visible.

" Oh my god. That feels amazing. Thank you sooo much Kacchan."

The blonde laughs.

" My quirk is pretty damn useful huh nerd?"

The greenett giggles.

" Yes, but I always thought so."

There's just a beat of silence before the greenett speaks again

" I'm glad you made me turn that spine simulator on every day, even when I didn't want to. I turned it on today before we left because you told me to and I left it on. Thank you for never letting me give up.", Izuku speaks softly pulling his arm away from his eyes to look at the blonde who's looking back at him.

Katsuki smiles slightly, eyes shifting back down to his work as he gently works muscles.

" I would never let you give up Deku. You never gave up on me, even when you should have, no way in hell I'd let you slip away from yourself or being a hero, or me for that matter. I love you too damn much for too damn long to ever let that happen."

Izuku feels his heart flutter at the confession which is still so new for Katsuki that he still tints with blush.

Izuku sits up suddenly meeting the blonde's gaze. They lock on while Katsuki sees not only love but something else now in those pretty eyes.

He raises a brow feeling his heart rate pick up because something at this moment feels like electricity in the air. He takes a chance on what he sees moving his hands slowly from Izuku's calfs up to his thighs while he keeps a steady gaze on deep green eyes that begin to darken with want. He stops for a minute eyes burning with a question that gets answered without him saying a word.

"You.. you can keep going Kacchan. I.. I don't want you to stop."

The words whispered with a sheepish smile send heat over a blonde hero.

Katsuki feels butterflies erupt that feel like they have burning wings against the confines of his stomach as he slowly pushes himself between Izuku's legs, resting a still warm large hand on the side of his upper thigh.

He watches curious dark green eyes that are locked onto him watching every move he makes. The blonde hero leans in and kisses a perfect mouth, pulling a swollen bottom lip between his teeth before he pulls back and runs a line of hot kisses down a fair jawline. He stops only to whisper against Izuku's ear.

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