Chapter 1

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I was awakened by a knock on my door.

"Your Highness, you father is requesting your presence in his office" came the voice of one of my hand maids.

"Thank you madam, I will be down shortly." I reply while stretching

"Your father requested that you look decent Your Highness"

I groan, that means this is important. "Yes madam, come back in twenty minutes, I would like to take a shower this morning"

She agrees and I hear her footsteps retreat, probably to report to my father that I will be a while and to retrieve some other handmaids. I quickly hop in the shower and enjoy the warm water as it cascades down my body. Even though we keep the heat as high as possible, we do live in the Northeast and it gets very cold here.

(picture of character before the story continues...)

I turn the shower off shortly and dry my brown hair as much as I can so the ladies have less work to do

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I turn the shower off shortly and dry my brown hair as much as I can so the ladies have less work to do. I braid it myself into a simple side braid and head to the vanity in my robe. I am about to start my make up when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in madam" I say through the door.

Five handmaids come in and they all bow as they enter. I nod to each woman as they enter.

"You've already done your hair?" mentions my head handmaid.

"Yes madam, I had some extra time and figured some of the ladies could use this time to complete their daily chores instead of fussing over me." I reply in my royal voice

"That was very kind of you my lady. Jessabelle and Maryann, you may attend to your chores."

"Yes madam," they say as they bow, "thank you your highness"

I smile and wave at them as they leave. The remaining three ladies begin to make me look like the princess I was born to be. My head handmaid goes into my closet to pick out my dress and heels while the other two ladies begin working on my makeup.

 My head handmaid goes into my closet to pick out my dress and heels while the other two ladies begin working on my makeup

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Thirty minutes later I am dressed and ready for whatever it is my father wants from me. I walk to his office and knock before hearing his voice boom from the other side.

"Enter Charlotte."

I open the door to see both of my parents and brother dressed in their formal clothing.

This next picture is her brother, he is wearing a gold suit, sorry for no picture of the suit

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This next picture is her brother, he is wearing a gold suit, sorry for no picture of the suit. :(

"There she is," my mother said walking over to me and messing with my braid, "is this what the handmaids decided for you hair, I will have to have a talk with them"

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"There she is," my mother said walking over to me and messing with my braid, "is this what the handmaids decided for you hair, I will have to have a talk with them"

I roll my eyes, "Hello mother, the handmaids did not do my hair. I did it."

She sighs at me, and my father speaks before she can, "Charlotte, we have talked about this, you have to present yourself a certain way. This, this, braid," he pauses looking at it in disgust, "its a peasant style"

"I happen to like my hair in a braid, and it's just hair daddy, my dress and my manners will outshine the simple braid. Now, where are we headed?"

That is all he needed to switch his focus, he is now in king mode. "We have been invited to the Alpha ceremony of Blue River Pack, and as the Royal Family we never turn down an invitation."

I groan, "That little pest is not fit to be Alpha, we will be running that pack within a month. He is arrogant and rude."

"Charlotte!" My father booms, "That is no way for a princess to speak of her people."

"Well maybe this person shouldn't treat their pack members the way he does and the princess would have nicer things to say."

"I will hear no more of this! You are to be the princess we have raised you to be, do you understand?" He uses his alpha tone on me so I have no choice but to agree, so I nod.

"Father, the driver says the car is ready." Henry says from his spot on the couch.

"Very good, let us head out, we have a drive ahead of us."

The Werewolf PrincessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя