Chapter 2

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"How long do we plan on staying at this pack?" I ask my father

"You know very well how long we plan to stay, it is the same every time." My father replies annoyed.

"So only a few hours, long enough to see I was right and," but my father cut me off

"THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU WILL LOSE THIS ATTITUDE THIS INSTANT OR YOU WILL SPEND THE NIGHT IN THE DUNGEONS WHEN WE RETURN TO THE CASTLE!" his voice bellows through the small car space, and I see the poor driver flinch from my fathers alpha aura.

Everyone in the car flinches, and I have no choice but to bow my head. There was no more discussion after that. An hour later we arrive at the Blue River pack and a warrior approaches the car.

"Name and business" the warrior says to the driver

"The Royal family has arrived for the alpha ceremony." the driver informs.

I watch as the warrior instantly stands, before bowing to the car. "You may proceed to the pack house, I will inform the Alpha and Luna that you have arrived my king" he says to the back window, knowing full well my father is behind the glass.

My father taps the window separating us from the driver indicating him to move. The driver gives a curt nod at the warrior and begins to drive deeper into Blue River territory. I will give Blue River this, their territory is beautiful, but not as pretty as ours. When we pull up to the pack house I see Alpha Raymond and his Luna Leslie waiting for us to exit the vehicle. The driver gets out and opens the door. My father steps out first, extending a hand for my mother. Then Henry steps put and extends his hand to me. When I am fully out of the car, I can see just around the corner of the pack house and all the decorations for the celebration.

 When I am fully out of the car, I can see just around the corner of the pack house and all the decorations for the celebration

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(Picture of Alpha Raymond and Luna Leslie)

"Welcome my king," Alpha Raymond says to my father as him and his Luna bow to my family, "I hadn't heard anything back from your people, we were not expecting you. I apologize. Will you be staying the night?"

My father rolls his eyes, annoyed that the people of our pack couldn't answer a simple piece of mail correctly, and he extends his hand for Alpha Raymond to shake, "Thank you Alpha Raymond for inviting us, I apologize for my pack members inability to follow simple instructions and let you know we were coming. We did not bring any spare attire considering our pack is not that far from here. We will be leaving my the nights end."

Thank the Goddess for that, the sooner I could get out of this pack the better. The Alpha bowed and called for an omega to show us to our seats, which no doubt were hastily set up last minute. We were lead around the pack house to the back where the decorations I noticed from earlier were in full few now. They were all in a light blue and white, making this look more like a baby shower than a Alpha ceremony, but I was to keep my mouth shut, so I did precisely that. The omega leads us to a table close to the front and bows as she pulls out my father and mother's chairs. She went to pull one out for Henry and I but we politely declined and pulled out our own chairs before dismissing the omega. She was confused for a moment, but ran back to her post.

"I truly wish you two would stop doing that," father whispers at us from his chair, "we are the royal family, it is the omegas duty to serve all of us, not just your mother and I."

Henry and I didn't say anything and my father shook his head, while my mother took his hand in hers and gave it a small pat. Just then the soft music that had been playing stopped and Alpha Raymond and Luna Leslie took the stage with the pathetic he-wolf, soon-to-be Alpha Reggie. If I could roll my eyes any harder I would.

 If I could roll my eyes any harder I would

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