Never Stop Loving You

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Seth couldn't believe Dean was actually leaving the company. How is he suppose to handle this? Him and Dean been together for the last 10 years. He was the only thing that made sense to him since they met. He knew he loved Dean the day he met him. He never tried to see how he felt about him. But as soon as they debut on Raw, the connection was there. Not once did Seth ever think they would separate after that. Sure a few times Dean was sent to Smackdown, but still they were together and made it work. How...just how can he deal with that?

Seth changed, and Dean changed Seth's life for good. He fell, but it felt more like flying. He paced back and forth thinking how much this is going to hurt him. Dean could stay if he wants. There is always something here for him.

Looking at the clock it was about time for Dean get into town so they can be together. He didn't want to ruin the moment with Dean either. Been weeks since they have been around each other. The calls and texts just don't it for him. He needed Dean to hold him and tell him everything will be alright.

Hour later Dean walked into the door, Seth ran into his arms holding him so tight. Suddenly tears formed in his eyes. Dean lifted Seth's face up, wiping his tears. "Baby boy I am here, no need to cry." Seth couldn't stop the tears, he looks at Dean then kisses him with passion, Dean dropping his bags to the floor, he picked Seth up taking him to the bedroom.

They had the hunger and longing to be with each other. Making love to Seth was the one thing Dean hunger for. The days and weeks are harsh for him. After they made love Dean holds Seth in his arms. He pondered on how he was going to tell  his soulmate that he completed everything in the company and needed to expand his career. He felt Seth shivers in his arms.

As he lifts his face up, he smiles. "Are you cold baby boy?" Seth just shakes his head no, but he looks up at Dean with the hurt in his eyes. He slowly whispers, "let's not ruin our time together Dean. Please!" Dean kisses his forehead, then smiles as he nods his head. "Seth we have to talk about this sooner or later." Seth sits up crosses his arms. "Damn it Dean we have 3 days before you leave, and I don't want to talk about it."

Dean sits up pulling Seth into his lap. "Alright the next few days we can have fun and enjoy the time we have left." Seth growls at Dean, gets up putting his boxers on.  He turns around at Dean, "Don't you want me or love me anymore? There is more here for you damn it. Just admit it that you're going to AEW."

Dean looks at Seth and the hurt in his eyes. He knew it will happen but not this soon. "Seth I will always love you and need you. But there is nothing here for me. We both know I deserve much better than what they are giving me." Seth turns his back to Dean and shrugs. Dean rubs his head and sighs. "That isn't true Seth I haven't decided what I want to do. But what I want right now is for you to be in my arms."

Seth shakes his head, he started to get angry. "You said you would never leave me. That we will always be together." Wipes his tears, "So why leave me then? Don't say it will work out like it is now because it won't!" He walks over to the dresser knocking everything off. Dean gets up goes behind Seth holding him tight. "I love you Seth that won't change. I won't ever stop missing you either." He turns Seth around kisses his tears away. "It will be tough, and I told you I am in it for the long haul. Miles won't ever keep me from you."

Seth pushes him away angry. "It will and you know it. Once you leave I will be a distant memory. Maybe 10 years doesn't mean anything to you but it does to me." He hated Dean right now. He won't be able to continue his life without him. Why can't he see that?

Dean walks over to him holds him tight again. "I will die inside each time I hear your name. If I can't be with you, even if my last memory was you walking away. I'll never not love you." Dean felt tears falling from his face. Everything will change, he knew it too. He can't miss out an opportunity to expand his career, make a name for his self. Not letting Seth go, Seth try to push him away. Sometimes things have to change, even if it meant them too.

Seth finally broke free, whispers to him, "Please don't go Dean." Seth goes down on his knees crying hard. "I'm begging you right now." Dean helps Seth back up and looks at him. "I can't stay I'm sorry. So if it means you hating me for the rest of my life I will take it." Seth screamed..."YOU DONT CARE, DONT YOU DARE SAY YOU DO!" he looks down, "Just go now and save me the heartache and pain."

Dean bites his lower lip, wipes his eyes. "I can't go, not like this Seth. I care about you so much it breaks my heart to even see you cry. Why can't we just try and see?" He watched Seth walk into the bedroom and throwing his things at him, then slams the door. He starts to get dress and walks over to the door knocking slowly, "Seth please don't end it like this."

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AMBROSE!" he screamed from the other side of the door. He sits on the couch trying to figure out how to save Seth from the pain. The day was slowly fading as Dean still sits on the couch. He kept looking at the bedroom door hoping Seth would come out, but he never did. Grabbing his bags, walking to the bedroom knocking again, whispering as tears fall down. "Seth come out and say goodbye to stop the pain. I get it baby boy it's over and since we are going our separate ways, and if I don't ever see you again I want you to know I will never stop loving you and wanting you as much as I do right now."

Seth wipes his eyes listening to what Dean is saying. He didn't want it to end like this. He walks slowly to the door opening it. Seeing the man he will love forever standing there in his own tears. He pulls Dean into his arms holding him tight. "We have 3 days and let's just take it one day at a time until you leave." He felt Dean nod his head hearing him drop his bags hold him back. 

The next 3 days flew by, they stayed in the hotel room making love. It was time for Dean to leave. At the airport Seth held his hand smiling and hurting at the same time trying so hard to hold it in. "We will see each other again Dean, and when it happens and we are with other people promise me that you will take me in your arms, then hold me so tight like it will be the last time." Dean hugs Seth so tight whispers in his ear, "I promise, but I can't promise so won't want to make love to you again."  They both look at each other as Dean's flight was called. As they kissed each other and said their goodbyes. Seth ran to the window watching Dean board the plane. He whispers to his self, "I love you Dean, and we will see each other again that is a promise." Walks away slowly out of the airport.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 17 ⏰

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