The observation

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“Make this quick. I don’t have time for this.” 

*Lucifer grumbled looking up from his paper which seems like a letter of sorts. His red eyes narrow as his expression dropped to annoyed.*

"Sir I just wanted to say what your daughter is doing is a great way to finally stop the exterminator what Haven is doing every year to hell. I think we should support her idea of rehabilitating the souls in hell. But of course it's just a suggestion Sir."


 *Lucifer looked over at Y/n, taking in the words before sighing silently.

"Fine. Whatever she's doing is for the greater good of Hell. She's going to do it regardless. Just.... make sure her efforts aren't wasted. Hell is a dangerous place as it is. It's not going to get any better because she wants to be nice to sinners."

"If you like Sir I can keep an eye on her if you want me to and I can report back to you how she's doing"


*Lucifer stayed silent, deep in thought for a moment before looking back up at Y/n.*

 "As long as your duties here are fully attended to. I should add that you are not to interrupt or interfere whatsoever. Only observe. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir"

"Good. Now if there's nothing else, you're dismissed." 

*Lucifer said as he turned back to his letter, not acknowledging Y/n any further. He waited for Y/n to exit the room before he sighed again as he went back to writing.*

*Y/n went to observe Charlie and the Hotel she is working in with her best friend. They managed to get one sinner to join their Hotel. He's name was Angel Dust a famous porn star. Although Y/n didn't understand why he would wanna rehabilitated himself but she didn't really cared about the why he wanna do this. After a few days The Radio Demon Alastor join them but not as a patient more like a supporter of the hotel. Y/n had a feeling that he was only there just for entertainment.*

*Lucifer sat with a book while hearing the news from Y/n.

"She should not be involved with those sinners... especially The Radio Demon..." 

*Lucifer frowned in disapproval, and sighed, returning his attention back to his book.*

"Should I do something about it Sir? Or do you still want me to observe her?"

*Lucifer raised an eyebrow, looking up from his book. He was silent for a while before answering.

"For now, keep an eye on her activities. I expect nothing more from you than to keep me informed. I am more so concerned about who she is being involved with."

"Of course Sir"

*Lucifer was about to dismiss Y/n when a thought suddenly crossed his mind.* 

"What is your opinion in regards to her efforts? This hotel she has set up for sinners.... does it intrigue you? Do you believe her efforts will bare any form of fruit?"

"I think… what she's trying to do is very… kind… I'm sad that not many people are trying to be better. But you can't force anyone to be good just because. I do hope that her plans are going to turn out how she wants it."

*Lucifer stays silent for a while before nodding slightly.

"...I see. Kind indeed.... perhaps I was wrong to question her actions and decisions. I agree that her efforts may perhaps be successful in the long run. However, if these sinners she is involved with continue to influence her in a negative manner......I will not hesitate to take further action. Do not forget the kind of people these sinners really are...especially the Radio Demon....I have heard of him before."

Yes Sir (Lucifer x fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now