In A Perfect World (Please Let It Be This One)

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Don't expect any accuracy in this. The movie was placed in Texas around the 60s and we're using characters from KHR which are largely Japanese or Italian origin. So... don't look too deeply into this, it was a fun idea to play with, that was it ^-^ It's also looong, so buckle in.


Tsunayoshi lives in a small country town. It is normally quiet at this late hour, given that many rose early to begin chores or simply awoke with the sun, however, the streets are alive tonight. Trick or treaters dressed as witches, goblins, and superheroes made their annual door to door rounds.

Tsunayoshi is a quiet boy of eight used to living on his own, taking care of himself and the house. His mother had briefly stopped by yesterday, after being gone for four days, only to remind him that he isn't to leave the house for something as silly as celebrating an American holiday before leaving as swiftly as she came.

He put a record on, always hoping for it to fill the silence and yet the emptiness in his chest rang louder than anything.

Tsunayoshi set the table for two while only serving noodles and dumplings for himself. He sat down, gently swinging his legs to the music.


A green Impala pulls up into the Giglio Nero Prison's main entrance and stops at the gate. A guard steps out from his little office to greet the driver, Gamma, a tall, muscular man with slicked-back blonde hair with a few strands sticking out.

"Evening, Gamma. Forget something?"

"Going to Millefiore tomorrow. Have to take some work with me."

The guard shakes his head. "Work, work, work. When are you and me going to go out for some drinks?"

Gamma grins. "Sooner the better."

With that the guard gives the okay and the gate opens letting the Impala drive through.

In the same prison, but in a cell is one Renato "Reborn" Sinclair, a 31-year-old inmate who reeks of knowledge procured from the wrong side of the tracks. Whose presence exudes arrogance despite his drab clothing and whose eyes are sharp yet tired. The man stands on the top of a cell bunk chipping away at the ceiling.

Daemon Spade, 29, rail thin, a stronzo with hair dyed blue, keeps watch at the door. While an old man sits on his bunk and watches both of the men with a cautious eye.

Reborn manages to chip through to something. "Porca troia, if the old man isn't right."

Daemon smiles before turning and grabbing the old man by the shirt. "And this goes to the roof?"

The old man leans as far away as he can, nodding weakly. "It used to... at least before they walled it over."

"If it doesn't, then I'm going to rip your tongue out."

The old man's face darkens in anger as he slaps the younger man's hands away. "Get your damn hands off me!"

Daemon laughs and joins Reborn, who is already well on his way to bending open a slot in a corrugated metal air shaft hidden behind the wall.


A costumed Oni and skeleton, left on their own without adult supervision, fill water balloons at an outdoor water spigot.

The 'Oni' smiles wide. "Make them small so we can carry all of them."

Tsunayoshi is still awake despite it getting darker outside, the noise outside never letting up in the face of others' festivities. He's drying the last of his dishes when there are several 'thuds' resounding through the house.

A Perfect World (Let It Be This One)Where stories live. Discover now