•My Love is Mine All Mine•

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again thank you so much for reading my book as always please comment suggestions and don't forget to vote!
Song in title- My Love is Mine All Mine
by Mitski  

It's the weekend, and Cole isn't in the dormitory. I'm on the lookout for news about the Flying Club, and the legendary Lloyd Garmadon, but I haven't even had the chance to meet him yet.

Maybe I should change my tactics.

The club may have been disbanded but their hanger must be around. Maybe their planes and equipment will be there. I might get lucky and find some clues...

Walking out of my dorm and down a dirt path. It was deadly silence you could hear the faintest footstep.

Soon I arrive at the Flying Club's old hanger. My eyes fall on all the models. It was the latest inventions... all forgotten now.

I detect a familiar scent and leisurely footsteps behind me. I turn to see the man with brown spiked hair... this is so familiar.

"Excuse me... sir. This area is off limits." There's a sly smile on his face as he gives me one over. This gaze and demeanor I know it from somewhere. It hurts my brain that I can't remember where. "Who are you?"

A series of memories flash before my eyes. The reporter from the Oasis ball, but he doesn't seem, ugh whatever.

"I'm B/n Barnes, a first year looking to join the flying club." I stated as he chuckles gazing at me up and down. "Well... Mr. Barnes. The Flying Club has been disband."

I want to use the excuse of being an ignorant new student at the academy but he doesn't give me a chance.

"Even if you're new, your student guide should have told you that." He speaks casually, but he doesn't leave me any wiggle room.

He's seen right through me.

But he seems more interested in teasing me than interrogating me...

I'll play along then. "That's too bad. I was busy with my homework that I only thought of registering for the club today. It's been my dream for years... will you at least give me a tour?"

My sadness does seem to have an affect on the young man. "Hmm... okay I'll show you around."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed beaming up at him. "If I may I'd love to see the club room?" I ask going straight to the case.

"With your acting skills it'd be a pity if you didn't join Drama Club." The man stated with amusement.

"You flatter me. Incidentally why are you here?" I questioned and he eyed me playfully. "How do you know I'm not the caretaker?"

"Why would the academy send a senior student to act as a caretaker for a disbanded club?" I stare pointedly at the badge on his shoulder and smile.

He follows my direction of gaze and sees his own badge. "Okay so I was careless. I'm Kai. Since we're here for the same thing let's take a look together. Honest to goodness I know this place quite well."

We both walk into the club room. "Thanks for bringing me here. If you have something else to do you don't have to stay with me." I try to shrug him away.

"Oh I'm not busy at all I have loads of time." Kai replied and I stared at him a little annoyed. "If you have any questions you can ask me... Mr. Barnes."

The way he said my name made my stomach feel queasy. He keeps repeating it with a tone. A tone I can't quite describe.

It's getting me bothered.

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