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That's it, we have finally spent these two months.
It was soon the October holidays so Halloween.
We were on Thursday, October 13, 1994, Lilie was walking home from college and she didn't believe her eyes when she saw or at least what she thought she saw. It was Maël who was having fun at the skate park with his friends. And she noticed the physical change of it.
This summer, he had a mule with a fairly natural coloration that was brown, almost black with red reflections from birth because his mother is. But it was something else. He had a punk ridge with different colors that did not match.
All this to say that she was less interested in him on the spot.
Except that while she was watching him, she had stopped, and that's where he finally noticed his presence. That she was his surprise to Lilie by returning to the walk when she realized that he was following her.
Finally, that's what she thought when she arrived in front of her gate, until when she turned her head, she realized that they both lived in the same residence.

It's the Familistorie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora