Chapter 23-I Love You

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[Rapunzel's POV]

I sit inside my car, watching the ice cream store through the window. I followed my old friends when they left the school. My curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't help but follow. My gaze fell upon a distressed Jack.

Suddenly, Jack stood up and left. I fumbled with my keys and started the car. The engine roared to life as I stayed on Jack's trail. He walked for about half an hour and stopped at a park.

What's he doing here? I think to myself. I park my car in one of the parking spaces in the park and I continue to observe. Jack sits down on a bench and bring his knees up to his face. My heart begins to ache a little from seeing his pain.

Before I knew it, I was out of my car and walking towards him. I stop right behind him. He doesn't notice my presence and I try to reach my hand to his shoulder. He moves and I hesitate. His head stayed glued to his knees and I continue. My hand reaches his shoulder and Jack tenses.

"It's me," I whisper softly, trying to calm his nerves. He instantly relaxes and looks up. His eyes were puffy and hands were trembling. Jack's eyes bore into mine and I wince. I could see so much anger, betrayal, and pain. So much pain.

I nod my head over to the space beside him and he nods slightly. I sit down and he keeps his stare on me. I squirm from the attention and look down at my hands.

"What are you doing here?" he mutters. His voice is hoarse and guttural. I've never heard his voice like that. To say the least, it frightened me.

"I saw you walk out of the ice cream place and I wanted to see what was wrong," I mumbled, feeling like a child being scolded. His gaze on me didn't falter and I tried as much as I could to ignore it.

We sat there, silent and motionless. I stared out to a small playground. There was a group of little children, giggling and screaming as they ran around. I smiled to myself, remembering the bitter sweet memories of when I was happy like that. I glance at Jack to see that he is staring at me. I look into his eyes to see hesitation glinting through. Before I could ask him what's wrong, I feel his lips crash into mine. Without a moment's hesitation, I kiss back. His lips were chapped and he tasted like peppermint. He kissed harder, hungrier, and more desperate. I respond back with the same feelings and soon we're trying to get as much of each other as we can.

Jack pulled away and we were both breathless. He put his forehead against mine and his labored breath ghosted over my lips. I look into his icy blue eyes and start to cry.

"Please don't cry," Jack whispers, kissing my lips softly. I try to stop, but I can't. Jack continues to whisper to me while kissing away my tears. Soon, I'm a mess with puffy red eyes and a runny nose.

Jack carries me bridal-style and takes me to my car. He places me gently on the passenger seat and closes the door to keep the cold out. Jack sits into the driver's seat and puts his hand out in front of me. I give him my keys and he starts the car, only yo turn the heater on. Silence falls upon us, but this time it was comfortable and warm.

"Shouldn't I be the one crying?" Jack jokes quietly. I laugh at his statement and reach for his arm. He stares into my eyes and I hope that he can see all of my apologies through my eyes. His arms wrap around me, letting me know he knows. A sob quickly escapes me once again and his grip on me gets tighter. My tears were being soaked by the blue hoodie that he always wears.

I felt a bit of nostalgia wash over me as I remember the day I told Jack about my dad. I cried into his blue hoodie, just like I'm doing right now. I can't believe all the things that have happened in the span of one year.

[Jack's POV]

We left the park a few moments later and I drove the car towards her house. I had one hand on the wheel and the other holding Rapunzel's hand.

"I love you," I blurt out into the silence of the car. I glance at Rapunzel quickly to catch her blushing.

"I love you too." She squeezes my hand in reassurance and I smile.

Rapunzel's house came into view and I parked in the driveway. I get out of the car and go over to her side to escort her. I take her hand and walk towards the door.

Suddenly, Rapunzel pulled on my hand and I turned to face her. Her eyes showed fear.

"What's wrong?" I ask frantically.

"I'm scared that you're going to leave me," she whispers. I pull her in for another hug and peck her lips softly.

"I'll never leave you," I whisper in her ear while rubbing circles in the small of her back.

"But why won't you? After everything?"

I smile at her and kiss her again, because I can't get enough.

"Because I can't live without you."


...........................................................................Hey guys! I'm very sorry to say this is the last chapter for this book. I had to end it now because I feel like I have nowhere else to go on from where I last stopped. I'm sorry if this is not a good ending, but it's all I could do. I'm very sorry. If anyone stayed with me for this whole story, I applaud you for sticking with me to this end.

Thank you for everything you guys! I love you all! - Riana

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