14 - Last One Standing

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She dreaded having a servant fix her hair and makeup for a judging ceremony but here it was, happening. Esme stared into her own lifeless eyes in the mirror as a girl finished braiding her hair. She looked perfect as if she were actually put together for the first time in a while. She stood up and thanked the servant, allowing her to escort her to the throne room.
As she trailed behind the servant, studying the patterns in the carpet, she spotted something strange up ahead. She had to ask herself though, was it really strange after all that had happened? Once they made it close enough to the figure on the ground, they found Vardaan sprawled out on the floor. Of course, Esme nearly lost it, wanting to throw up at the sight. Blood dripped down his forehead and next to his body were the shattered pieces of an unglazed vase. It reminded her Orion’s death, sending a shiver down her spine.
“Take me to the Queen’s room.” She commanded the servant in a quiet, shallow voice.
Arriving at the scene, Lyra was horrified. She stood in front of the body, staring at it. Then, she looked away, crying. Vardaan was gone. She felt so horrible for treating him the way she did. She had the nerve to blame him and proceeded shoo him away. How could she?
Miss Fletcher and Mr. Garvish were standing around the body now too. Lyra backed away, at a loss for words. All she knew was that there were two challengers left and she’d blame Lex now. She shook her head and walked away. She’d already let lots of people down so she gave up trying.

After Mr. Galle’s death was discovered, Lex was taken to the throne room by his servant. He’d been given a bow and a few arrows. Of course, he found it insane that he was still required to do this but he didn’t complain. He only watched his servant leave the room as the orders he’d been given were complete. He stood alone in the room, nervous as he gripped the bow in his hand. In his other hand was an arrow on the ready. He was not the murderer.
Esme on the other hand was taken to the Queen’s study to get her own supplies. Instead of her usual servant, the Queen’s lady in waiting, Autumn, had taken her.
“I hate to not cooperate but I am begging you. Please don’t make me do this.” Esme said.
Autumn slowed a little, “I’m sorry, I don’t have a say in the matter, Miss,”
“It’s not me, I’m telling you. It has to be Mr. Garvish- who else would it be?” Esme continued.
Autumn pulled a journal out of a drawer and grabbed a pen. Then, she paused. “I believe you. And I suppose I should tell you the truth.”
“The truth?”
“After Miss Amaryllis died, I recieved this note from one of the palace staff. It was someone threatening the Queen to continue the games and if she didn’t go along with it, there may have been no way out, in the words of the writer.”
Esme clenched her teeth. She couldn’t be too angry though, the Queen and Autumn were trying to find some way to protect some of them. It didn’t work very well though.
“Go back to your room and lock yourself in. I’ll figure something out.” Autumn told her. But what could she do?
So Esme left without a word. Autumn set down the pen and journal and opened the curtains to the window in the room. There had to be some way out of that garden. She just needed to get to the gates where guards would be waiting.

Lex was sitting on the floor now. He heard footsteps walking into the room. Assuming it was Miss Fletcher, he didn’t care to look up. He was confident in defending himself if she tried anything. But it wasn’t her. Whoever it was, kept walking toward him and when he looked up, he saw someone completely in black towering over him. He immediately stood up and backed away, holding the bow and arrow sloppily infront of himself.
Before he could attempt to shoot-which he was terrible at-the stranger grabbed his arm, ripping the bow from his hand. They took an arrow from the ground and once again, left Lex alone. Seeing that they went the opposite way, he made a run for it toward his room.

Sleepily, Autumn opened the door to exit Lyra’s study. She was going to have to get over or through the wall or door of the garden somehow if she wanted to save anyone.
When she opened the door, she looked around for any danger. To her right was an empty, dark hallway. Creepy, but she could deal. To her left, was another dark hallway but it wasn’t empty. Just a few feet away was Esme on the ground with an arrow pierced into her chest.
She had to act fast. Before she could even make her way to the garden, she was out of breath but nevertheless she ran. Mr. Garvish was in the castle somewhere and who knows? Perhaps he was targeting Lyra’s staff too. Or even Lyra herself.
On her way to the garden, she’d stopped in the weaponry and found the sharpest sword she could find. When she got outside, she took a second to breath in the fresh air, catching her breath. But not for long because if she left Lyra by herself for too long, something could happen. She almost felt bad abandoning her for so long.
She found the wooden door in the garden. She tried it even after guessing it was locked. It was. She looked around at the walls that surrounded the garden. This place was a death trap. She supposed she could find a way to get over the wall, but that was plan B. So she took the sword and put it in between the doorframe, wedging it with all the force she could muster up. Luckily, the door gave out and snapped open.
With that, she dropped the sword into the grass and ran out toward the gate ready to just drop to the ground at that point. She was so relieved to see guards standing out front when she arrived.
“Guards! Please, open the gate. There’s been someone going around, killing everyone, and I found them!”
A couple guards didn’t move from their position but did however side eye Autumn, thinking she was insane.
Her eyes darted around as she waited for some kind of help. Finally, one guard turned around, clearly ashamed of himself.
“I am sorry, Miss, but the Queen instructed us to guard this gate until the games are over.”
“Are you crazy? I just told you, people are dead. Help me, please.”
“What are you talking about? I’m sure we would have been told by now if there was a murder.”
“Sir, you don’t understand and I don’t have a lot of time. Our keys were taken from us and we had no way out of the main entrance or the garden. I had to wedge the door open! Whoever or whatever told you the Queen said that was a fraud.”
The guard swallowed, producing a key from his pocket. As he held his hand out to unlock the gate, another guard grabbed his arm.
“Are you defying the Queen?” The guard asked as she gripped onto his forearm.
“You heard the girl’s story.” He answered, ripping away from her. She glared at him, not willing to risk breaking the rules. At least she tried to stop him.
He opened the gate and stepped in, holding his hand out to Autumn. She shook it gratefully.
“Victor Asten, at your service.”
“Thank you, thank you so much.” Autumn said.
She led him back to the castle where the two made their way to the Queen’s chamber.
Autumn knocked on the door, then said, “Lyra? It’s me, Autumn. I’ve brought some help.”
After a long few seconds, the door opened just a bit and on the inside, Lyra peeked out. Her eyes softened at the sight of her assistant and a man in a guard’s uniform.
She opened the door wider, “Quick, come in.”
Autumn and Victor stepped in and watched as the Queen re-locked the door.
“You’re both okay?” Lyra asked in a breath.
“Yes,” Victor answered.
“I found out who the murderer is,” Autumn began, “I tried to buy Miss Fletcher some time but Mr. Garvish got to her before I could do anything.”
The news of Esme’s death made the Queen somewhat emotional. Despite their little quarrel in the throne room earlier, she felt bad for the archer. She felt she could relate to her in away.
“Is that why you’re here…”
“Victor, your majesty. And yes. Do either of you have any idea where this man might be?”
“Last time anyone saw him, he was in the throne room but if he’s not there,” Lyra explained, “I suggest you take a look in his room.”
“Okay, thank you.”
The two girls watched as he left. Autumn locked herself and Lyra in. From there, they anxiously waited for some kind of signal things were fixed.

Lex sat with his knees to his chest on his bed, sobbing. This wasn’t like him. He didn’t usually cower or cry but here he was. This was it for him. He accepted that there was no way out.
He heard a knock on the door and following it, a man walked in. He couldn’t tell exactly who but he seemed to have the same clothes as that robed figure that had taken his bow and arrow earlier. He stepped in further and the minute Lex could see who it was, he almost didn’t want to believe it. Standing in his room, illuminated by the glow of his potions on the wall was Vardaan. His amber eyes seemed to glow especially in light of the purple creativity potions.
“Why?” Lex muttered, horrified.
Vardaan cleared his throat with a smirk across his face, “That’s exactly what I’ve come here for. You’re an expert in potion making, correct?”
Lex nodded his head slowly, shaking.
“Could you do me a favor?”
He stood up, “Why would I want to do anything for you!?” Lex said in a bolder voice than he’d thought possible.
Vardaan thought for a moment, “I suppose I could spare you?”
Spare him? He perked up at the offer. If he just did something for him, he’d really let him go? “What do you want?” He asked, taking the offer.
“I’ve liked someone for quite some time. Do you possess any love potions by chance?”
“Yes, yes I do. Would you like one?”
Vardaan shrugged, “I suppose I could take one but I’d rather you make one for me. Right now.”
Lex glared at him. Was he serious? He decided he wasn’t dying today as he pulled out a box filled to the brim with supplies. Luckily, he just right amount of every ingredient for a single love potion.
“How convenient. Have you had someone on your mind?” Vardaan asked, watching the alchemist put the components together.
“Me? Oh, these supplies were just in case, I guess?”
Vardaan laughed, “Who knew protecting your ego would come in handy during such a dire situation?”
“My ego?”
“I’ve been studying you, Lex. Ever since we got up on that stage I saw how prideful and confident you were. I’ve got to say, you’re good with the ladies. Must be the potions.”
“I don’t always use them!”
“Exactly what I’m talking about. Your ego.”
“Here. Take it. Now leave me alone, please.” Lex said, sliding a bowl of pink liquid toward Vardaan.
His eyes widened at the beautiful color of the potion. The brightness of it and the red and green fragments of a crushed rose Lex had added definitely caught the eye.
“May I get it in one of those fancy glasses you hold potions in?”
Lex sighed, “A vial?”
“Don’t correct me, it’ll hurt my ego!”
His face flushed as he took the bowl back. He grabbed a vial but stopped. “Oh, silly me. I forgot something!”
Vardaan grew tired and placed his forehead into his hand.
Lex grabbed a blue potion from his shelf and added just a drop in. The pink color turned slightly duller and the rose pieces shrivled up. “Sorry about that. It’s done now.”
Vardaan examined it as the liquid was poured carefully into a vial. It was capped up and given to the murderer.
Lex sighed in relief, putting his hands onto the table infront of him. His thoughts were full of how he’d survived but none of his effort seemed to be rewarded because just as he thought he’d escaped this nightmare, a knife was pierced through his side.
“We had fun, Lex. I apprieciated it. Bye now.”

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