22 | The Deal • Part 2

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Devereaux had smoothly caught her, preventing her unceremonious landing on the floor

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Devereaux had smoothly caught her, preventing her unceremonious landing on the floor. Their gazes held each other for the briefest moment before a loud sneer drew their attention.

Sitting by the stove was the companion Ada had been missing for a while-Flitch, the nasty, naughty elf. The initial rage at the creature, almost breaking her back just now, melted away as Ada witnessed the fond smile on Flitch's face.

"Flitch..." She whispered to herself.

"My lady, eh..." Flitch greeted back with its signature mischievous grin.

"I figured you could use some company, so I asked Flitch to come back," Devereaux mentioned as he slowly placed Ada back on her feet.

"You know the elf?" she asked.

"Mhm, a little bit, right Flitch?" The Dark Lord walked out of the kitchen, and Ada and the elf trailed behind as he slumped down on his favourite couch.

"Come, take a seat. We need to talk," Sitting sideways and crossed legged in the far corner, he patted the spot next to him, inviting Ada to join the conversation. Curious, Ada complied as the elf trailing behind her took a leap onto the coffee table nearby and settled there.

"So, did you think about my suggestion?"

"Of you helping me to hone my powers? Back to what it used to be?"

Devereaux nodded in agreement. "Or I can bring Hanna here so you can have a little chat with her, confess your sins if you may, and get her to help you out."

"No, no, don't do it," she opposed. The last thing she wanted was for Hannah to be kidnapped, and that would set the Luna Sanctum off if the recent events had not already.

The dark lord took a minute to silently observe the girl sitting next to him. He couldn't fathom why she was so hesitant, nor discern her intentions. Convincing her that she needed to solve this problem, and that only she could, remained a daunting challenge. Time was of the essence, and with every passing moment, he feared it might be too late for him. He desired to see her safe, with everything restored to its rightful place.

With a prolonged sigh the Dark Lord ruffled off the couch and adjusted his cloak. "Okay then. There's only one way this could be done if you don't want to get involved. I'll solve it myself." He turned around to leave.

Startled, Ada hastily got up from her seat, swiftly grabbing him by the wrist, stopping him in place. "Don't. He is way too powerful."

"So am I," his gaze settled firmly on her and a look passed through them, that Ada couldn't comprehend. "I'm no less than him, Ada."

"I know Devereaux, I know," her grip tightened on his wrist, genuine concern reflecting through her sapphire eyes. "It's not about power. He's ruthless. He's insane. He knows no mercy."

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now