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I cannot believe the support on this book. Especially because it's a piece o' crap.

I haven't been on this account in a long time, due to family problems. And this is making me cry.

To all of you that voted, commented, or even just read this little book.

Thank you. So much.

I'll tell you a story.

Shortly after I had updated my most recent chapter in this book, my Mom was diagnosed with myelogenous leukemia. Yeah I know, it's a mouthful. This is a type of blood cancer that is very hard to get rid of. The only thing that was keeping her alive was a pill that she took almost everyday.

I won't get into specifics. My mom is getting better, but everything could go crashing down. I haven't been able to update because of this and I can't describe in words how sorry I am. It's just too stressful.

I probably won't update again, so I decided to take a course of action. I will be giving away this book to someone. They may do as they please with it, and as soon as they publish, I will take this one down. I might do the same with my other book of anyone is interested.

If you are interested in owning this book, please direct message me, and I will choose someone.

Again, thank you so much. I am amazed that this captured so much attention, and I hope you all have luck writing your own books.


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