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When we walked onto our balcony so the citizens of our village good see us all. Our father did most of the speaking until the citizens began to ask questions. “Who is the other girl?” or “Where did that girl come from?” were questions they asked. Mom answered those questions by saying that I was sick for a long time and when I started to get better someone kidnapped me from the castle and that was why Joshua was looking for me. All of them believed it and seemed happy there was another princess. Later on we walked down to interact with the citizens. They could ask us questions and get to know us a little more. I stood in between Seungcheol and Hansol, they were both pretty protective of me. When a man came to me he shook my hand and couldn’t seem to be able to take his eyes of my cleavage. “If a man isn’t respectful to our sister, the guards won’t be respectful to them. remember that for the next time. Now please leave.” Seungcheol said it with a deep voice and the man ran off. I thanked him and more people came and spoke with us. That’s when a little girl ran into my arms while crying. “What’s wrong, dear?” she just put her hands around my neck while sobbing. Her tears making my dress wet. “I lost my mom.” She said to me in a soft tone. Her voice was almost like a whisper. “Should we look for her?” she nodded and positioned herself so she could see the crowd. “What’s your name dear?” she answered while tears were still staining her now red cheeks. “Yeseo. Kang Yeseo” She pouted and just looked around. Then we heard a happy scream and a woman walking over to us. Her arms spread out so that she could hug Yeseo. “Mom!” I put Yeseo down and she ran into her mothers arms. “Thank you so much dear. I’m glad our new princess is as sweet as the rest of them.” She walked away and I could see Yeseo hugging her dad in the distance. When I came back to my original place in between my brothers they lightly scolded me for leaving.

Then suddenly Joshua showed up in front of me. “You look absolutely stunning, my princess” He took my hand in his and gave the back of my hand a kiss while he bowed. I got flustered seeing him like this. My brother apparently had noticed too, he gave me a nudge in my side and proceeded to tell me that I had to stay professional and that no one should notice that I like Joshua. Who is he to tell me that I like Joshua, when Joshua and I are just good friends. He then moved on so other people could greet us.

After the event Seungcheol stopped by my room. I was already in my lounge wear but he sat next to me anyways. “Do you know what love feels like?” I did not know where he came from. What was he talking about? “No..” He sighed. “You have two different kinds of love. Love for family or friends and you can love someone but not in a friendly way. You can find that person attractive and your personalities will match. You kiss that person and marry them when you get older.” He was kind of describing how I felt about Joshua. “Do you like him?” honestly I think I do but I’m just not sure. I mean we did kiss and all. “I don’t know..” he stood up and started walking to my door but stopped and said one last thing before he left. “Well, he sure likes you. His eyes were basically hearts when he looked at you today.”

Hidden Princess // SVTWhere stories live. Discover now