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Y/N could feel the smile threatening to fall off her lips the longer she remained seated at the cafe booth. Across her, the seat remained unoccupied, and as time passed, she could feel her patience slowly but surely vanishing into nothing, as well. What in the world is taking her so damn long to get here?

The waitress had already taken notice of her finished cup of coffee and although the girl tried to be polite about it by offering her the menu, Y/N could tell that her stay was not quite as welcomed anymore. Yet despite the stares and glares she got from some of the cafe staff, she remained seated on her chair, trying to play everything cool as she watched customers after another coming and leaving and there was still no sign of her client.

"Do you think she got stood up?"

"I heard the waiter say she's been here for 2 hours now..."

Y/N could feel the clench in her jaws at the budding whispers. From her peripheral view, she could tell that they were coming from the table about two or so meters away. High school gossip girls. Y/N could tell by the over-the-top blings and pins on their heads.

Inhale... exhale... they're just kids... just kids...

"Poor ajumma..."


And before she could think, she had already slammed a hand on the table. Her? An ajumma? Unbelievable. Surely she did not look that old, yes? Or have the couple hours she spent waiting, aged her?

"Ugh, ma'am?" A tap on the shoulder snapped her out of it and only then did she realize the yes now trained on her and the silence that came along with it. "I'm sorry but I'd have to ask you to leave. We have a policy of not holding a table without ordering."

It was the waitress from earlier. Her arms clutched an empty tray to her chest and for a moment, Y/N wanted to laugh at how it looked like she was going to use it on her if she did not comply. Which, if one thinks about it, was not something to laugh at for her part, and she soon realized that as the waitress' words sunk in.

"Oh, erm... I was-"

Whatever lame excuse Y/N was planning to say flew out the window (thankfully saving her from more embarrassment) as the chair across her was pulled and was soon occupied.

"One tall iced americano."

It was her client. The one she spent two hours too long waiting for and now she was not even sure whether she still wanted to do it all or not. But as the waitress gave a small nod and walked away, Y/N could not help but feel the least bit grateful for the distraction.

As the situation died down and Y/N's embarrassment started fading away, she looked at the girl across her and her annoyance only grew as the girl remained nonchalant. The all-black get-up of trenchcoat, sunglasses, and mask made the girl look mysterious and slender as she slumped back on the chair. There were no words as she slid the shades up her head and pulled out her phone. It took everything in Y/N to put on a fake smile for professionalism's sake. A view that was clearly unshared in the situation.

"Miss Lee Bada." Y/N had called out. For a moment relishing in how foreign it was to address the girl that way. "You really could not afford to get here on time?"

The girl gave her a brief glance, rolled her eyes, then went back to scrolling on her phone with a sigh. "You deserved to wait."

That was it. Y/N's smile had completely fallen off as she looked at the girl in contained annoyance and contempt. "Please be more professional and ethical next time."

"Ethical, really? Cause you know, last time I checked..." Bada sat right up, almost slamming her phone on the table as she let out a sarcastic laugh. "It's not very ethical to dump someone on the fourth anniversary then two years later use that person as a rocket to planet 'fame'."

not gonna lie, im nervous to put this out (◎_◎;) there are a lot of stories already out there and my writing skills have definitely become rusty, so...

the story comes out on valentine's day (if i don't change my mind and delete this LOL)!

brought to you by:
my delusions, imaginations and countless cups of coffee a day.

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