21 | Burry A Friend

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Beneath the moonlit arches of Luna Sanctum, where magic swirled like a symphony, a haunting gloom had descended, veiling the sanctuary in a tapestry of sorrow

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Beneath the moonlit arches of Luna Sanctum, where magic swirled like a symphony, a haunting gloom had descended, veiling the sanctuary in a tapestry of sorrow. The air, once thick with the vibrancy of enchantment, now whispered of secrets and mournful echoes. The residents, draped in robes of muted white and trailing ebony cloaks, moved with a collective heaviness that mirrored the profound loss they bore.

The once lively air, scented with the allure of magical delicacies and the soothing fragrance of lavender, now carried a musky, smoky tinge—a scent of memories intertwined with grief. The mist, like a ghostly wisp of what was once playful enchantment, clung to the surroundings, weaving a spectral tapestry that draped Luna Sanctum in ethereal mourning.

In the heart of the sacred space, a sombre congregation gathered to bid farewell to a revered mage. His body, meticulously covered in ceremonial robes, no part of his skin exposed, laid upon a pyre of sacred wood.

Three days prior, a troop of young mages, venturing into the Sun Tower for their weekly chanting practice session, stumbled upon the disoriented body of the late Head Mage Erixir, laying in a pool of dark blood, left there to rot. The face was so disfigured that even his pupils could not recognize him. The piercing screech of one student, who fainted upon seeing the dead body first, had alerted the whole sanctum of the mage's untimely demise.

The mournful attendees, clad in solemn attire, encircled the pyre, the flickering candles casting elongated shadows on the ancient stones. Confused and saddened children, pupils of the late Mage Erixir, clung to the edges of the gathering. Their eyes, once alive with the spark of curiosity, now mirrored the confusion and disbelief that echoed through the hallowed corridors. The magical aura, once vibrant with the exchange of knowledge, now held a hushed reverence for the mysteries that lingered.

Hannah, though appearing calm from the outside in her plain white robes, her hair void of the usual orchid ornamentation, felt a web of unanswered questions and fear racing through her mind.

Only a fortnight ago, the heir of Romersai had gone missing, risking the entire mage community's exposure to normies. The mystery was yet to be solved, and now her peer had met a tragic fate while actively involved in unravelling the enigma, she questioned the sanctum's security abilities, while maintaining a composed facade as she resided the final prayers for Erixir.

Now left to carry the weight of the sanctum on her own with no heir, she was burdened with answering all the questions. The haunting melody of a single flute accompanied her words, its mournful notes echoing through the sacred space. The sanctum's officials, bearing ceremonial staffs, maintained a stoic vigil, ensuring the sacred rites unfolded seamlessly.

As the flames roared with an otherworldly intensity, surrendering the mage's earthly vessel in its destructive embrace, an ephemeral glow painted the surroundings in hues of gold and indigo. The magical aura that permeated Luna Sanctum seemed to intensify, paying homage to the departing soul. The black and white aesthetic of Luna Sanctum took on a solemn quality, reflecting the gravity of the moment.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Dawning DarknessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat