Cross the line | 🐿️🐧

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"How?” That was a question lingering in his mind this whole week. How did this guy beat him to it again?

Taehyun answered.
“Sometimes, rush and overconfidence ruins things you know.”

"That's bullshit," Kai rolled his eyes, his pride hurt and his face twisted in annoyance.

"I did everything right, I was confident in my answers," he scoffed and turned his back to him.

"Just tell me how you managed to surpass me," he sounded angry and annoyed as he asked this question, his temper slowly building.

“This is why you lost. Anger and overconfidence ruins things.” Taehyun shrugged.

“Learn to accept your mistakes and improve them, it's just a small competition, your life doesn't depend on it.” Taehyun added.

This made Kai’s anger skyrocket as he balled his fists and he spun around.
"You're telling me to accept that I can't be better than some nerd like you, that's not happening! It might not be important for you, but for me? IT'S ALL I HAVE!” He scoffed and shook his head. How could he not care about it? Kai’s whole life depended on it, he needed to be perfect. He was either “perfect” or a “disappointment” no in between.

"I just want to know what you did that was different, how did you get a higher score? Are you some sort of genius?!” Kai asked, trying to calm down.

“Why do you think Nerd is an insult? You're one too, if you see it that way.” Taehyun said, raising his eyebrows.

Kai was stunned that he didn't care that he was called a nerd. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, he didn't want to admit that it was the correct term to describe him.

"I'm just a hard worker, I'm not a nerd," He claimed, trying to save face.

“What's the difference between a nerd and a hardworking Studios student?” Taehyun asked, stepping closer.

Kai's smirk faded, he looked almost threatened. The last thing he wanted was to look inferior to this loser.

"Hard working is more admirable, it means you're driven and have a purpose, nerds are just boring smart kids who stay inside and like, read books all day," He explained.

“I do have a purpose though?” He replied.
“You're in delusion I guess.”

Kai snorted in annoyance, hearing his words. "What's your purpose then?" He asked, trying to keep his temper and stay in control of the conversation. He was feeling annoyed and insulted by all he could say and he hated it.

“Hmm.... completing Graduation, then getting a Job, doing PHD, aiming for a higher position, and living peacefully?” Taehyun answered.

"That's boring," Kai said. "Your purpose is to work like a mindless robot?" He laughed afterwards.

“Aren't you doing that right now as well?” Taehyun questioned back.
“You're the victim of this academic web and soon you'll be a victim of this capitalist society as well.”

Kai rolled his eyes, he hated how Kang Taehyun had a point.

"Everyone is part of the academic web, I'm just more determined, more driven and more competitive than everyone else.”

“Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
Taehyun answered, simply not interested in arguing with him anymore.

This annoyed Kai, he couldn't let this end without him winning a comeback. He groaned, he was going to get a rise out of him.

"I bet you're going to be like 60 and alone, having never gotten a girlfriend in your life.” He yelled as Taehyun was walking away.

Taehyun dismissed, walking away.

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