chapter twelve

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Sif had never been as mad at Thor then as she was now, he had done a lot of stupid things in the past yet she had thought he had finally grown up. Sadly this just proved he was the same stupid cocky boy he had been not only two years ago.

With a glare so cold that it made the others flinch she moved past him to run after her new found friend. She had never been able to get close to those of the same sex, her profession and attitude made them wary of her, and made them fear her.

Yet Kagome had welcomed her with open arms, a smile on her face. She had felt so guilty, letting her friend not only wear the trinket, that made the other women of court giggle, but to take pride in it. Yet things were so different between their two worlds. Here it was normal to be married and take on concubines.

They were still stuck in an archaic world where women were below men. Yes, she was a female warrior, who stood beside her fellow man on the field with honor but she was still below them. In fact the only reason she had been able to pursue her dream of being a warrior was because Thor had voiced his support.

Deep down she knew he had only done so on a whim, yet as they battled beside each other they became friends, at one point in time she had loved the man. Slowly that love turned from romantic to that of a brother.

Yet as she came upon the sobbing mess that was Kagome she could feel nothing but disgust for her brother in arms as she slunk down on the floor next to her.

He had broken this loving strong woman and had not even batted an eye. She knew that he wasn't fully to blame, that he had been raised just like every other man. Yet she thought he knew better, that he had matured. Had his time on Midgard done nothing more than give him a woman to pine after? A woman who would never, no matter how hard he tried, fit in with them? She was human, she would wither and die in the blink of an eye.

In the end he would be alone, no human lover and no loving wife and it was his fault. Her eyes softened as she pulled the sobbing Kagome into her arms, comforting her as she clung to her like a child would its mother.

"Shh Kagome." Kagome merely trembled in her arms trying in vain to stop her sobbing. She knew she was being weak, that she was being a child but it hurt.

Everything came rushing at her at once, the pain she felt whenever Inuyasha ran off to Kikyo, the pain she felt when she realized he would never love her. The pain of knowing that Thor had never and would never care for her the way he did Jane.

She was once again a pawn in a game of chess that she hadn't even wanted to play.

Rumors flared to life that night, tongues wagged and sides were taken. There were those that felt pity for her, that were sad to see their king to be treat his queen in such a fashion. Then there were those that saw no problem with it, Thor was a man, and he was next in line to be King. So what if he had a human lover?

As his queen it was her job to support him, to obey him and fulfill her duties as his wife. So what if he had a lover or two?

The rumors and debates ran so rampant that they even reached Loki's ears. He could honestly say he felt no true satisfaction by the storm he had stirred up. Yes, he took glee in the fact that she had publicly confronted and shamed his brother. But the way these people reacted to it, like it was a grand ballad of love and betrayal disgusted him.

People here were so narrow minded, they blindly believed what they were told. It was disgusting, at least on Midgard people were free to think and feel for themselves. Though they were a race meant to kneel he admired the way they stood up for their beliefs and were willing to die for them. They were such a defiant race, and to be honest he would not try to rule them ever again.

They were far too much trouble, then they were worth.

He was pulled from his thoughts as the door that led to the room that housed his glass cell opened. He blinked slowly as he took in who stood there. There in the doorway was the subject of gossip.

A small smirk twisted on his lips as he took her in. She was paler than usual and her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying, true to the rumors. "Ah, my future queen, what do I owe for this glorious visit?"

He frowned as she didn't take the bait and merely entered the room, shutting the door behind her. With slow steps she made her way to the window of the room opposite of his cell.

Silence settled over them, one that made Loki uneasy. He expected her to hate him, to blame him for ruining her happy little dream. Yet here she was just looking out the window a resigned if not placid look on her face.

"Come to hide from the rumors flying about? To hide your shame?" He lazily crossed his legs at his ankles, still lounging about on his bed.

Yet again she did not take the bait.

It frustrated him to no end.

"Ah maybe you're here to plot the demise of your oh so loving husband." He gave a dark chuckle as she glanced at him, finally he had a response!

She gave a tired smile. "At first I was so angry that I might have taken you up on that offer. But now..." She paused, trying to order her thoughts. Yes, she had been so angry and hurt that he had not only lied to her but led her on.

Then it dawned on her that she was partly to blame, she was so thirsty for love that she let his own kind nature trick her into thinking he was starting to love her. Yes, the necklace was a slap in the face, but honestly he knew no better.

Sif, though mad at him, explained that it wasn't entirely his fault.
It was how he was raised.

She understood that, and slowly but surely her anger, her hate, faded to a low simmering burn. She was still upset, still wanted nothing more to do with him than what was required of her to untie their worlds but she would be civil, she had been raised better.

Letting out a sigh she let her head loll back on the wall behind her. "I'm still hurt and mad, but who am I to judge someone for reacting to a situation the way they were raised to? Who am I to be mad at him for being in love with someone else." She sighed, her body deflating a bit.

"I just wish he hadn't lied from the beginning..."

Loki gave a snort. "Thor's strong suit is not planning ahead. He rushes into things head first, no plan, nothing. This time he will have to get himself out of his own mess." A small longing smile pulled at his lips as he recalled the times in their youth that he would have to use his words to dig his brother out of the hole he dug himself.

It was quickly replaced by a cool façade, those days were done and over with, things would never be the same between them just as they would never be the same between him and his wife.

Maybe he would finally learn that for every action there is a reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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