Chapter Three

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Kagome had just made it to her room, pulling off her ornate golden dress in favor of a nice light sleeping gown when there was a knock at her door. Thinking it was Sif trying to get her to go to yet another party she smiled as she pulled the doors open.

"Sif, I'm tired we can always go to more parties tomorrow...oh." She flushed as she met the amused gaze of her fiance. He stood there taking up most of the door frame and she bowed her head.

"My lord, what can I do for you?" He rubbed the back of his head and looked around, trying to look anywhere but at her.

"I er...well things are going to be hectic the next few days, Mother is planning a grand wedding, and well we won't get to see each other much and I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to this...for marrying me..." He paused and held out a small velvet box.

He practically shoved it in her hands before backing up a slight flush on his face. The way the light fell on made her white gown almost see through! It stirred things in him it should not.

She was a true beauty, worthy of songs and ballads. None of which he was good at making up, his tutors had been very disappointed at that. No, his power was that of the sword. The power of the tongue lied with Loki. He knew even his estranged brother would be tempted by lady Kagome's beauty.

Her exotic looks made only more desirable by the way the candle light made her skin glow, the way her hair fell in a messy tangle of raven locks to frame her tiny body...the pertness of her breasts and their rosy pink peaks which were semi visible through flimsy material of her night dress- Okay! No, bad Thor...time to 'get the hell out of doge'!

With a flush on his tanned cheeks he bowed his head lightly to her, "Well, goodnight!" She could only blink as he made his way down the hall and shook her head shutting the door behind her.

Men. No matter the species they were never going to make any sense to her!

With a giddy feeling she sat on her bed and opened the small box, there inside it was a simple gold chain with a small charm on it. While she didn't know what the engraved words said she was thrilled to receive such a trinket.

It showed he cared.

That he was trying.

Maybe falling for Thor wouldn't be that hard. She pushed the thought from her mind as she fanned her heating cheeks, okay maybe she had just a wee bit too much to drink at the party. Asgardian mead had a much more powerful kick then mortal alcohol. It was on par with youkai sake! With a carefree shrug, for really who cared if she was a bit drunk she was an adult damnit, she flopped back on her plush bed and let out a content sigh.

Those heavy thoughts could wait for tomorrow, for now she wanted to sleep off her buzz. The only for sure thing that would come with tomorrow was that she would have no hangover, a perk of being a miko whose body pretty much rid itself of anything that would hinder her abilities to protect herself, hangovers included!

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