Chapter 16

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I know my brother told me NOT to get involved with Shooter but seeing him in his element made me only interested a bit. I didn't wanna fuck with him or anything but like he caught my eye.

I finished my homework and grabbed my phone. I had a few text from my friend Kyra. Kyra was one of my good friends and she lived across the street from me. We trauma bonded that's how we became great friends. I didn't have too many friends but the ones i did they was solid.

I texted her back after she asked me did I want food and did I wanna go with her to Moes. I loved me some Moes and she said she was paying so I jumped up fixed myself and got ready. I slid on a pair of black true religion jeans, a white t shirt with the true religion logo on it. I put on my new Jordan 11's and a leather jacket. I let my hair hang down straight and fixed my make up. I looked so good. I glossed my lips grabbed my phone and wallet.

Kyra was outside in the car already. She was on the phone with her dude so I got in the car quietly while she talked. She was in loveeeeee with her nigga. I never had a man so I don't see what the hype was about. She pulled off and headed to Moes. I couldn't wait to get me a bowl. I was starving!

Wanna go in? She asked pulling into a parking spot. I shrugged my shoulders and we got out the car. "Baby what you want?" She asked into her phone.

I ignored her and went over to order my food. "Okay your total is $15.32." The lady said ringing me up. I looked over at Kyra and she was cheesing this bitch was about to pay for my shit little do she know.

One second she's paying sorry!

No problem...

What we eating? A male voice said from behind me in my ear making me jump. I turned around and this nigga had the biggest smirk on his face.

We ain't eating shit! Nigga you just scared the fuck out of me.

Ma bad! He laughed. I rolled my eyes and he laughed walking down to the end of the line and picking his food up. "You got time?" He asked opening his bag putting extra napkins in it.

Ima be here forever if this bitch don't pay for my food and come on! I said annoyed.

Let me buy yo lunch! He smirked.

Now why would I let you do that? I got my own.

I'm sure you do. He pulled out some money from his pocket and handed the girl a $20. "Keep the change!" He grabbed my food and handed it to me.

Thank you!

You're welcome. Wanna sit?


Mmm okayyy! Kyra said as she finally got in line to order.

Shut up bitch! I rolled my eyes and sat down in a booth with Shooter.

Sooo this like our first date! He smiled.

Who the fuck said this was a date? I laughed.

I mean it's something like that, a beautiful girl like ya self with me...having lunch..... I'd call it a date.

Boy go to hell this is not a date!

Can I take you on one than?


Cause your beautiful! I'm interested in you and it's just something about you I just gotta have.

Oh really?

Yeah so let me get to know you!

I'll think about it....

How long that's gone take?

Look Shooter I ain't looking for nun serious....

Nobody said you was...

Hi Shooter! This girl smiled coming from the back. "I had a great time last night!" She smirked as she picked up a tray from the table behind us. "Can't wait to see you again.!"

Yo don't you see I'm with somebody!

Okay and? You said you ain't got no bitch so what's the issue with speaking to you especially when you was just all up in me last night?

Cause he with another bitch, you sloppy and stupid! Kyra said as she sat next to me. I tried so hard not to laugh. "Sir what's your intention on with my sister here?!"

I just wanna get to know her!

Mmmm could fooled me you got bitches can't control they selves she don't play that and neither do I!

We just met I gotta drop all my bitches? Not that she my bitch or anything. That's why I'm saying I'd like to get to know her.

Mmmm you just wanna fuck and add her to yo list of bitches! Kyra said stuffing her mouth with a chip.

Not even! If I wanted to just fuck I would of said that. Ain't no reason to lie to you and especially not her. I could fuck any bitch I want and get any bitch I want but that's not what I'm aiming for. We was vibing until yo ass came over here. What you her body guard or something?

Nah just her sister who has her best Interest at heart and don't want her making stupid decisions!

Can she decided for herself if I'm a stupid decision?

Mmm I guess! (Her phone started ringing and she smiled getting up.) "I'll be in the car when you ready!" She grinned walking away with her food.

Sorry she just protective the last guy didn't mean me no good...

It's cool it's some fucked up niggas out here but I ain't one of them.

Oh you not?

I could show you better than I can tell you, you let me take you on a date?

One date....

First impression is everything right?

I picked his phone up which was unlocked and put my number in it. "Always!" I got up grabbing my food and walking out.

First off he fine as fuck! Secondly girl he ain't shit don't get involved with him! Kyra said muting her phone.

It's just one future date! I smirked popping my container open again.

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