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"Yes, I know that's he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect."

A short red dress hugged Florence's curves as she downed her first drink, leading the way down to the specialists party, the rest of the girls a few steps behind. She was excited, she hadn't partied for months since mid the year before.

She turned her head for a moment mouthing see you later to Musa before she weaved through the crowds of students fetching herself a drink. "Hello gorgeous." Kat's thick accent was exclaimed in her ear as the fairly intoxicated girl hugged Florence tightly.

"Kat." Florence smiled downing her first shot for the night, "Could say the same love." Florence prided her hands rested on Kat's hips for a moment. "Where's the drinks in this place." Kat took her hand leading her through the crowded courtyard.

Once both girls had a drink in their hands they made their back through stopped by a voice. "Hey Sparky, want to play?" Riven's eyes gestured to the table, attracting both Florence and Kat's attention. Florence sent him a rather dirty look interrupted by Kat dragging her over to the table, beside Riven, Sky looking around rather nervously,

"Florence you should bloody well play." Florence's eyes widened stopping Kat from dragging her over, "It'll be fun." Florence could hardly get a word out, Kat making the decision for her.

"Listen to Kat, sparky it'll be fun." Riven winked gaining him an even dirtier look not from rather Sky beside him.

"Riven dont flirt with Florence, its disgusting." Sky scoffed, a smile on Florence's face at the blonde specialists dramatic attitude. Since finding out Sky was eager to remind Florence of the dislike to the situation.

"Whatever, you playing mate?" Riven diverting the conversation Sky shaking his head scanning the room for a certain red head.

"I'll go with Riven, Florence grab-

"I don't need a partner I'll out drink you both." Florence smirked, Riven rolling his eyes at the girl as the game begun. Florence was right of course, both Riven and Kat unable to notice Florence was using the wind, the girl shooting almost 4 in a row before they started to catch up to her.

"Drink Walker, that's another." She rolled her eyes at Riven's use of her last name, downing her fourth cup. "You'll be passed out before the game is finished sparky." He smirked, Florence bouncing another ball into the cup.

Beside Riven, Kat had turned rather pale drunken two or three cups herself. "Bloody hell," Kat turned green as she moved away from the cup a moment, "Keep playing Florence, I'm calling it." Before Florence could retrieve her friend, Kat had taken off through the crowd.

"Now, you're really going to lose." Riven drunk the cup she had scored, stacking in with the others. Florence had three cups, while Riven only had two, it was close. "Sparky.." He taunted, Florence failing to notice he had landed another cup on her side.

She exhaled shaking her head as she downed the fifth cup, surprised she could still see straight. "In your dreams fuck boy." She could hardly keep herself up straight as she shot and missed.

"Looks like your luck has run out darling." She rolled her eyes, using the table to keep herself from stumbling around.

"Go fuck yourself." She slurred, another ball sinking a cup on her side, Riven laughing loudly at her situation. "Still going to win." He had two cups, she had one. With a flick of her finger his ball bounced away from her cup, Riven hardly sensing any foul play.

Florence steadied herself on the table bouncing a ball in which Riven drank, the specialist taking another shot. Missing the cup. "You're cheating sparky." She ignored him sinking his last cup, a smirk across her face.

"Says every loser ever." She watched him drink the cup moving past him, hardly watching where she was going.

"Not so fast darling." His hands secured on her waist steadying her against him. "You're drunk." He looked down at her flushed face, Florence hardly disagreeing with his hands on her.

"Good observation hic." He snickered at her sudden case of hiccups, Riven pulling the pair further into the party stopping as Florence's back hit the stone wall. "Lucky I'm drunk, otherwise I'd have to keep up appearances." She taunted as Riven's body pressed closer to hers pinning her against the wall.

"That mean I can do this." He pressed a kiss under her jaw, Florence practically melting into his touch, "And this." He planted a few more kisses along her neck moving up to move closer to her face.

"I guess." She smiled into the kiss as their lips connected. Riven tilted his head down deepened the kiss, as a soft moan left Florence's lips muffled. Florence felt like their lips would never disconnect her hands entangled around his neck and his hair.

"Riven babe." Riven separated from Florence a moment his hands still around her waist. Florence caught her breath a moment before viewing who Riven was talking too. She quickly riddled herself of his hands talking a hurt step back.

"Florence just wait—" Beatrix smirked at Riven's words turning to face the brunette his hand around her wrist. He didn't love Florence he never did, it was Beatrix. Florence pried his grip from her wrist ignoring him as she weaved through the party despite for air.

"Florence! Florence wait!" He trialled after her as she exited the building walking along the wet grass away from him, a notification buzzing on her phone. "Florence it's not what it looks like—" She wiped the stray tears from her eyes. Her sadness was quickly replaced with anger as she finally stopped to face him short breathes leaving her lungs.

Florence's phone continued to buzz as her face flushed with anger further, "You're such a dick Riven, fuck!" She cursed angrily, the specialist across from her looking just as flushed, "You don't care about me, you don't give the tiniest shit." Her voice broke furthering the distance between.

"Florence it's not like that, I do care about you, but you know what it's like you can hardly been seen with me!" His voice was frantic clearly too drunk for their conversation. Her phone buzzed again as she wiped another loose tear on her face.

"That's not the point Riv! You've be sucking face while I have to live with the..", Florence was now sobbing wiping her tears self consciously. "With the fact he's dead.. they both are." She cried out, Riven's face paling as he took a step closer, the only obvious light between them the currents circling Florence's limbs.

"Florence.. dead? Who's dead?" Riven exhaled breathily, stepping closer again to the sobbing girl.

"Stop! Stop doing that." Her voice broke again, "Stop pretending to care Riven, you don't, you never do." Florence moved back again, her phone buzzing once more the girl removing it from her pocket hoping for a distraction.

Burned one. Stone Circle. Now.

"Oh fuck." Florence exhaled shakily, Riven stepping closer to her, trying to diffuse the tension between the two drunk teens. "I-I have to go." Florence took a step back, Riven's expression unreadable.

"..No, No Florence please don't go. Florence!" Riven pleaded but he was too late, Florence walking further away from him, picking up her pace as the messages got more frantic.

"Find me Florence, find Rosalind and you'll be fixed."

I WAS ALL OVER HER; RivenWhere stories live. Discover now