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"I want to sleep in your arms but not kiss."

The door to Riven's door clicked open as Sky moved in, a disgusting look on his face as he noticed Riven had brought the red haired fairy to their dorm. The girl inhaled on a vape as Sky shot them another dirty look, Beatrix decided to offer it.

"Oh, shit, sorry." She taunted, knowing how to get on people's nerves, especially boys.

"No, thank you. Daytime? Not smart, Riv. If Silva catches her up here-

"Not "her." Beatrix." The red headed first year spat, flicking through the textbook. Sky despised her everyone in the room could sense it.

..And, uh, Silva left. I kind of snooped to make sure. Something about meeting up with a military detachment from Solaria. Ask your girlfriend." Riven admitted smugly.

"You're dating the princess?" Beatrix mocked, "Shit! Is it weird having sеx with someone who looks just like you, or is that kind of the point..

Sky ignored the fairy focusing back on Riven's words, "If the Solarians are coming it means they are moving are it."

"It?" Beatrix piped up, shutting her book slowly.

"The Burned one, yeah Riv, Florence and her roommates were busy fighting it for you to notice." Sky snarked still ignoring Beatrix.

"Florence was?" Beatrix beat Riven to it, the boy sitting up at Sky's words.

"She was the one that stopped it from murdering Dowling." Sky huffed exchanging glances with Riven.

"I'm gonna head to the library." Beatrix annouced leaving before Sky could. Riven leaned back against the wall waiting for the red head to leave.

"I don't have time to tell you all the reasons why that is a bad idea." Sky spat turning to leave.

"Yeah, yeah."


"Oh my god." Florence belongings dropped to the ground beside Sam, the girl weaving through students quickly to view the scene.
Silva hanging on for life, was carried through the students, Terra on one side, Dane the other.

"Oh my god Silva." Florence covered her mouth, Sky brushing past her arm as he too tried to help the girls. "Some- Somebody grab a med kit." Florence instructed anxiously, thankfully Dane and Sky helping Silva into the greenhouse, a shaky Florence behind them.

After what felt like hours Silva was being taken care of. She exhaled softly as she continued to stare at her nailbeds, the others conversing around her. Harvey continued to tend to Silva's wounds as Florence avoided the scene, the gruesome injuries hardly appealing to her. "Sky, take Florence, I'll keep you informed." The mention of her name hardly fazed her as reluctant Sky approached her.

"Florence he'll be alright, lets go hey." Sky beckoned softly pulling her to her feet, Florence sending one more worried glance to Silva before following him, the rest of the girls in suite.

Sky stopped outside the door looking around for a moment, turning back to Florence. "Will you be okay Florence?" The girl nodded tiredly, "Come past my dorm tonight, we can talk about it alright?" Sky took off in the other direction leaving Florence.

"Are you coming Florence?" Terra behind her questioned, Musa already on it, her eyes lighting pink.

"Yeah a little later." Florence walked off, footsteps behind her indicating Musa had begun following her.

"Do you really want to watch this." Florence mumbled pulling a joint from her pocket weaving around a few walls before finding a spot to sit, lighting the end of joint with her finger.

"I don't mind." Musa shrugged, soft music playing from her headphones around her neck. "Watching you die of lung cancer will be the least of my problems." In between exhales Florence laughed.

"What's happening with Bloom? I hear your whispers in the suite." Florence exhaled again closing her eyes as Musa sat opposite to her.

"She's going through a lot, but she isn't dealing with it. Sounds like someone I know." Musa eyes lit up for a moment, Florence rolling her eyes.

"What about your boyfriend Terra know yet?" Musa tensed, rolling her tongue over her teeth for a moment.

"Not yet, but she will." Musa stood up, "Speaking of." Her eyes flashed pink again as Sam appeared from a wall across from them.

"Florence." The boy greeted Musa moving towards him, "..Smoking, interesting." He tilted his head, before Florence had flipped him off Musa beginning to drag him away.

"Come to my room after Florence, I'll see you tonight." Musa smiled walking off with her boyfriend happily.

As soon as she left Florence couldn't help it, tears begun streaming down her face, as her breathing was more uneven. Silva had almost died and the burned ones were coming. She smoked the rest of the joint before standing heading to the only place she knew the person would understand her.

Her fingers wiped the tears from her face again as she felt for the door handle, opening it slowly, "Sky?" The room was dark, the only light emitted from a phone. "Sky?" Her voice called again.

"Sparky?" His fingers reached for the switch as light highlighted his figure. "Sky's not here." Riven stretched out, closing his eyes tiredly. He noticed she hadn't replied which was unusual, opening his eyes. "Sparky?" He questioned, his expression now concerned.

A small sob left her lips as she covered her face pressing herself against the door. She was so sick of pretending she was fine, she was drowning and everyone could see it.
Riven froze for a moment unsure what to do as Florence's hand covered her mouth, poor attempts to stop her tears.

Finally he took a few steps forward, Florence reacting first tackling his waist into a hug. Hesitantly he relaxed, one hand on the back of her head as his other hand sat on her waist. "Florence what's wrong?"
He mumbled softly, rubbing soft circles on her skin as her crying only increased.

"I need you to talk to me sparky." He questioned again, Florence letting go of him as she retreated back towards the door, her sleeve soaking up most of her tears.

"... sorry, I-I didn't mean." She inhaled in an attempt to calm herself, her nose rosy and her eyes puffy. "I.. I should go." They'd never even hugged each other before. Riven and Florence used each other, they both knew it.

"Florence don't go." Riven pleaded, his hand making contact with her arm as she turned to leave, "I need to know you're okay before you leave." Florence's other hand pried his fingers off.

"I'm fine Riven, go back to not caring." Florence's voice cracked as she mumbled the last bit leaving the room in a rush.

I WAS ALL OVER HER; RivenWhere stories live. Discover now