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"Abandon all your stupid dreams about the girl I could've been my dear."

"Florence, you could powerful."

"Your parents wished it for it, I can make it happen."

Florence squeezed her eyes tiredly for a moment continuing walking through the courtyard, stopped when she spotted Musa and Bloom waving her over in the distance.
The same haunting voice had been filling her head for days. She was yet to inform Dowling, of the woman's voice. They already thought she was losing her mind.

Before she could even make her way over, Riven leaned in towards her he passed.

"You look like shit sparky." He taunted Florence pulling her usual trick electrocuting the teen. With another dirty look as Beatrix and Riven shared an apple beside her, Florence collapsed into the seat beside Musa.

"Florence, have you eaten yet?" Bloom sat up seemingly scanning the room for a certain blonde specialist. Bloom slid her plate of food over to the girl, "Here eat something Florence."

"Thanks Bloom." Florence picked at the array of food, settling on a sandwich. "Since when is Aisha not eating lunch?" Florence questioned her mouth full, beside her Musa's eyes lighting up.

"She's tired." The mind fairy sighed feeling the emotion flood her.

"Yeah. My parents think that Alfea's in Switzerland, so, they Skype me at 9:00 a.m. Switzerland time every morning." Bloom explained a small snicker from Florence's lips.

"It's 2:00 a.m. our time. Yes, we can all hear you." Musa snarked picking at the food in front of her.

"Am I being loud? I'm trying to be quiet." Bloom seemed genuinely clueless looking between the girls.

"Like gossiping teen girls at their first sleepover Bloom." Florence snickered, leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms.

"I have a question." Terra approached the table rapidly sitting beside Florence, "Since when was it cool to be a nerd?" Terra was angry, or jealous, Florence wasn't sure.

"I am cool." Bloom snickered at Florence's words, the brunette leaning further back into her chair lazily.

"—I mean, don't get me wrong." Terra continued rambling hardly hearing Florence, "It's great. Amazing. Power to the nerds. But now it's cool to talk about fairy history?" Terra let out a breathe from her outburst.

"Continue Terra." Florence was somewhat interesting crossing her legs.

"Well, like, you know, I... I like school. I like getting good grades and reading alone with a cup of chamomile, but no one shares a frickin' apple with me, even though... gross." Florence scrunched her nose in disgust, Musa holding a similar expression.

"We're gonna need so much more context." Musa picked at her food, a small smile on her lips.

"Beatrix. I don't get what the difference is between her and me. Why's it working for her?" Florence disgusted expression hardly shifted.

"Uh, actually, I have to go." Florence noticed Sam across the cafeteria, Musa getting up suddenly, "Sorry." She fled, Florence yawned, her weariness clearly catching up as she tried to face Terra.

"It's OK. I know why, really. It's 'cause she drinks and smokes and looks like her, and I'm..." Florence didn't a chance to comfort Terra the conversation shifting at Bloom shuffled in her seat awkwardly.

Florence drowned the conversation out for a moment before focusing back in at the mention of her mentor's name.

"He's busy with Silva." Florence paled at the mention, Terra sending her a sympathetic look,  "I don't wanna bother him." She realised they were talking about Terra's father.

"How is Silva?" Florence knew he wasn't good. Professor Harvey had been applying zanbaq but even Florence wasn't oblivious. If they didn't find the burned one soon he would die.

"..can we not talk about Silva please." Bloom turned, looking rather horrified at her ignorance of the girl. Bloom had been occupied with Sky for most of the week.

"Sorry Florence." She exhaled looking around the courtyard trying to change the conversation, "Have you seen him today Florence? Sky?" Florence shook her head.

"Bloom listen." Florence knew she was bound to say something eventually, "Sky's interesting and all, and I'm sure you guys would make a great couple." She grew uncomfortable as she fidgeting with her fingers. "But Sky's still kind of with Stella, Bloom." Terra nodded, focusing back in on the conversation.

"No, I'm- I'm just.. I'm worried about him, Florence, that's all." Florence exhaled, nodding to Bloom hesitantly. Bloom was fawning over Sky big time. Florence had seen many girls gawk over Sky, it was rather obvious.

"Okay! Well.." Terra's voice droned out as Florence felt eyes on her. Across the courtyard Sky had looked for Florence finally spotting her beckoning her over with his hand, "Alright, that's enough for me, I'll put in a good word for you Bloom, perhaps even talk to Stella." Florence winked standing up to walk over to Sky.

"Care for a walk?" The specialist exhaled shakily, Florence nodded following him out of the courtyard. "Florence, Silva's breathing down my fucking neck." Florence blinked slowly, comprehending his words.

"Welcome to my life Sky." She laughed dryly, before sighing rather loudly, "You've been spying on Bloom haven't you." Sky's hands fidgeted against his training gear.

"I think I've fallen in love with her to be honest." His tone was guilty, "I don't want to hurt Stella's feelings, you know what happened-

"Her feelings are already hurt Sky." She scoffed, "If you like Bloom you need to tell Stella. It isn't fair to her." Sky rubbed his jaw for a moment continuing walking beside the girl. A moment of silence filled the pair of them before Florence got a stupid idea, "I'm fucking your best mate." He paused his hand stopping her from walking too.

"What?" He exclaimed, Florence turning to face him. "Sorry I wasn't sure how to say it, so I just said it." Florence held her hand to her lips somewhat embarrassed. A small smile etched on her lips as Sky fake gagged away from her, a shudder in his shoulders.

"Riven?! Really, Florence I thought you had standards." Florence stifled a laugh, "Don't get me wrong he's my best mate and all, but fucking him, really? You know what he's like Florence." Sky paused to fake gag again, Florence smiling at his reaction.

"You'd be surprised how he is in-

"Oh fuck! Gross, don't tell me that." Sky paced a few steps away from her still in disbelief, "But you're not like together or anything are you?" He confirmed Florence shaking her head continued.

"Definitely not Sky. Riven wishes he could date me." She smirked walking beside Sky as they continued.

I WAS ALL OVER HER; RivenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt