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"Where all your darkest are gonna come for you."

"Want some?" A voice taunted in the distance as Florence took a sip of water, Sky practically shoving it into her hand as he had left with Stella. In the distance, Riven was performing his usual behavior, bullying the first years knowing no one would interfere. Florence waited a little longer before stepping forward, knowing at some point she would have to stop Riven from drowning the boy.

Thankfully, Terra stepped in instead, a smirk on Florence's face as she retreated, her back hitting the wall once again, sipping her drink. "People always think that they can treat the big girl like sh*t because we're... we're sweet, and we're harmless, and we should be happy that you're even talking to us." Florence's smile only grew, vines picking Riven up off the ground.

"But sometimes, we've had a really, really bad day, and some scrawny little arsehole says the wrong thing at the wrong time, and we're not happy you're talking to us, and we're not sweet, and most of all, we are not harmless. Huh? Sorry?" Florence had never been so proud of the earth fairy. "What was that, Riv? I... I'm sure it's really funny, but I can't quite hear it." She dropped him back down, Riven clutching at his throat, his face flushed with anger.

"You could've killed me, you freak." Florence brought the cup to her lips once more, watching as Riven cursed and stormed away from the pair, unfortunately in her direction. Her cup fell from her hands as the angry specialist grabbed her wrist, pulling her along with him.

"What's wrong, fuckboy, Terra choke you out?" She taunted as his grip tightened, the pair weaving through students towards the exit of the building. "You know, I shouldn't really be seen with you, have a reputation to upkeep and everything." She knew the marijuana was having some effect on her attitude, usually the girl not so outspoken.

"Shut up, sparky," he muttered quietly, finally stopping at his destination outside the building's walls. Florence was caught by surprise when her back hit the stone wall of the building, Riven's lips crashing into hers.

"Desperate, are we?" She broke apart for a moment, Riven's hands now pinning her against the wall, the furious teen connecting their lips together again.

This wasn't the first time Riven and Florence had made out. In fact, the pair had done loads more, not that either would admit it. Florence couldn't be with him; he couldn't be with her if it developed any further.

"Thought this ended last year, fuckboy, guess not." He was kissing down her jaw when he tensed up, removing himself from her.

"It did." He brushed himself off for a moment, his hand moving up to run through his hair as he avoided eye contact. Florence was catching her own breath as she relaxed against the wall, waiting for the teen to leave.

He didn't, unfortunately, instead pulling out a joint from his pocket, looking to Florence for a light. "You're a dick." A spark lit the cigarette as she went to leave, his spare hand reaching for her waist, pulling her back towards him.

"Sure, you don't want some before you go, Florence, now that you're a full junkie." He spat, her first name unknown to her lips, as he retracted his hand, electricity shocking the arrogant teen.

"Go to hell, Riven." She huffed, readjusting her skirt as she made her way back into the building. The soft click of her dorm door was nothing, compared to the bickering between her roomates as she entered the dorm.

"...so, I did a nice thing, and I lent her my ring so that she could go back to the First World," Florence paled, Stella having noticed she had entered the room.

"Stella," Florence hissed, gaining the attention of the other girls, "Why would you do that?" She stressed, her eyes wide, "That ring only works outside the barrier." Her tone was now angry, at the jealous actions of the second year.

"It's fine, Florence, there's a gateway in the old cemetery," she scoffed, returning to texting on her phone.

"That's deep in the forest, Stella," Terra connected the dots, Musa feeling the anxiety beginning to pool in Florence's mind, the mind fairy understanding the urgency.

"Oh my god, we need to find Bloom," Aisha quickly made her way through the door followed by Terra. Musa waited for Florence, who was rather hesitant, looking between Stella and the door.

"Florence, are you coming?" Musa questioned, looking to the pale teen.

"I can't go outside the barrier, Musa, she'd murder me." Florence's palms were sweaty and shaky before Musa grabbed her arm, comforting her slightly.

"I know you're worried, Florence, but Bloom needs our help, and we can't do it without you." Florence cursed quietly to herself before sending one more disappointed glance to Stella, following Musa out the door. "Besides, Aisha will be in Dowling's office in about 30 seconds." Florence sighed gratefully.

After retrieving Dowling, the group of roommates pressed closer to the graveyard, Dowling at the front beside Florence. Dowling sent Florence a stern glare to stay put, while she entered the graveyard, the rest of the girls waiting patiently.

"Tell me what you feel, Musa, please," Florence implored after minutes passed, anxiety growing. Finally resorting to questioning Musa.

"I can't feel anything, Florence." The air fairy exhaled, turning back towards the entrance. "I'll be back in a minute." She finally gave in, ignoring a few comments from Aisha and Terra as she walked through the dark entrance to the graveyard.

"Shit, shit, shit." Florence whimpered, coming into view for Dowling as the older woman swung around trying to detect Bloom's feelings.

"Florence, go." Dowling's eyes lit up pink as she sensed the girl's fear.

"What's happening? Why are you so afraid?" Florence's tone was shaky, resulting from the pooling anxiety.

"Florence, this is not the time..." Dowling trailed off, her eyes lighting pink again as pattering footprints grew closer. "It's Bloom." She spoke more to herself as the red-headed fairy finally sprinted past the pair, her feet coming to a halt.

"Don't stop now, Bloom." Bloom's frightened eyes locked with Florence's, Florence nodding her head for her to go. Bloom scanned the room once more before she hurried out of the dark crypt.

"Florence, you shouldn't have to see this." Florence's eyes lit up blue as her knee buckled, her hands stopping her from falling. "Florence." Dowling's voice beckoned the woman, moving closer.

"Something's here." Florence whimpered, electricity sparking along the ground, bringing light to the creature. The electricity began radiating off the metal around the room as Dowling aimed her hand towards the burning creature.

It began picking up speed, with no way for Dowling to sedate it in time. Florence reacted quickly, placing her other hand on the ground, a bolt traveling across the ground aimed at the burning creature, blinding it. A gust of wind from Florence pushed Dowling back, stopping her from harm.

The creature then changed its direction, running directly for Florence, who thankfully flung herself out of the way across the room.

"Florence, I need you to restrain it!" Dowling picked herself back up, the girl obeying as bolts secured the burned one in place. Dowling injected some sort of substance into the creature, and Florence dropped to the ground, out of breath.

"What the hell was that?" Florence cried, her eyes watering briefly. She wasn't sure but she knew what she had just stopped.

"Florence, you need to go."

I WAS ALL OVER HER; RivenWhere stories live. Discover now