Chapter 11 - Back To Camp

Start from the beginning

I quickly put away all of my things, and sat on the bed. Sheets made of black velvet, and pillows that appeared to be made of gold. Definitely fitting of the prince of the underworld.

I walked outside of my new cabin, and back into the woods. At this point I don't know what I can do to have the other kids accept me.

I've been on a quest, I've helped Luke teach sword fighting for about a year, and I've lead a assault team for CTF. What else can I do?

Selina: Hey Y/n!

I turned around and saw Silena waving at me.

Y/n: What are you doing here, Sil?

Selina: I came to congratulate you on completing your quest.

Y/n: Thanks, but it wasn't my quest, it was Percy's.

Selina: I know, but you and I both know that they couldn't have done it without you.

Y/n: And yet, camp still hates me.

Selina: They don't hate you, I think you just make them uncomfortable.

Y/n: That might be worse than them hating me.

Selina: What do you mean?

Y/n: At least they would say something to me if they hated me. Make fun of me or something, but no one except you, Grover, Annabeth, and Percy will even acknowledge my existence.

Selina: But, it's a start, and eventually everyone else will realize how cool you really are.

Y/n: What makes you so sure?

Selina: The fact that you are already making progress with your social ability.

Y/n: What progress have I made?

Selina: Y/n, you just had an entire conversation with me. That's massive improvement.

I thought about her words, I just held a conversation with one of the most social people in camp.

A few weeks ago that would have never been a possibility, but it just happened.

Y/n: Oh gods, your right. I improved, thanks so much Selina.

Selina: No problem, by the time I'm done you'll be the most popular person in camp.


I found myself walking towards Thalia's tree. I don't know why, but I really wanted to try and talk to her again.

Soon I found myself at the base of the tree.

Y/n: Thalia, can you hear me?

I waited a few seconds, and I was just about to leave but I heard a voice.

Thalia: How did the quest go?

Y/n: Fine, we retrieved your dad's lighting bolt and returned it.

Thalia: Who was the one that took it?

Y/n: We don't know, but the one who had it was Ares.

Thalia: Ares? What would he want with it? I'm mean sure it's a powerful weapon, but would he really risk angering Zeus for that?

Y/n: That's the thing, Ares claimed to be hearing voices. My thought is, what if those voices influenced him?

Thalia: If that's the case, who would be the cause of the voices.

Y/n: I can only think of one force powerful enough to influence a god.

Thalia: ...Kronos...

Y/n: Exactly.

It made perfect sense, Kronos was the king of the Titans. He would be powerful enough to influence Ares. The only problem was, I was still left with one question.

Y/n: But Kronos is still locked in Tartarus. How would he have gotten the master bolt to give to Ares?

Thalia: He would need a demigod, to turn against the gods and steal it for him.

Who would be willing to turn against our parents? It would have to be someone with a grudge against them. Immediately only one person came to mind. ...Luke.

Just as I had that thought, I saw something that made my stomach drop. Percy was walking into the woods, and who was with him? The possible traitor himself, Luke Castellan.

That's the end of this chapter, only one more until the end of Book 1. After I finish this book, I'm going to take a break from it. During that break I'm going to upload the final volume of my Highschool DXD fanfic.


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