Part 1: Aroma

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I could never understand how someone could possibly say that a cup of coffee is enough to make your day brighter.

The disgusting smell of coffee makes me not even want to try a sip of it.

On my way back home from work, I always walk across the main route to my house. I live in a city known for its famous coffee shop, which is now right two blocks away from me. The smell of coffee is so strong, but I still could not comprehend how people would consider a sip of coffee and call it a day.

A few minutes later~

"Mama, I'm home." The moment I entered, I threw my shoes across the hall and walked upstairs to where my bedroom is. I took a glance at my mother taking a sip of coffee despite it being 8:30 p.m.

She does not respond.


Today at work, it was such havoc, and I went through a hectic day. Being a worker at an average office is not going to make my life any better. All I do is stare at my laptop, arch my back, and get my eyes blind.

Exhausted, I decided to grab a snack from the kitchen before heading to my room. As I passed by the living room, I noticed the faint glow of the television casting shadows on the walls.

My mother was sitting on the couch, her eyes fixed on the screen. The aroma of coffee lingered in the air, and I couldn't help but shake my head at the idea of having coffee so late.

"Mom, what are you watching?" I asked, trying to divert my mind from the stressful day.

She looked at me with a smile and replied, "It's a documentary about the origins of coffee. Fascinating, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't get the fascination with coffee. It's just a drink." First it was me seeing her having a cup of coffee and now she's watching a DOCUMENTARY?

She chuckled, "Maybe you haven't found the right one for you."

I shook

"What are you talking about? me not being in a relationship or being an anti-coffee-person?"

My mom giggled and said "both"

Right thats enough. I went back to my room leaving the conversation a side

That night, thinking about what my mom said, my mind went back to middle school. There was this guy, Aren, who accidentally spilled his coffee on me. I remembered his goofy apologies and the awkward charm he had.

Aroma of a coffeeWhere stories live. Discover now