part 2 - her 'boyfriend'

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Everyone knows that high school is the time where all the little kids turn into young adults and start dating, and it was the same for Haewon and Lily.

Lily told Haewon about this boy that she's been meeting and Haewon's proud. She's proud that Lily's going to have a boyfriend soon and have a family, a huge one. That's what Lily told Haewon what she wanted.

" Um, are you sure you really want a huge family with t-that boy? " Haewon asked nervously, " Because I don't think you should... "

" Why..? " Lily asked as she looked at Haewon weirdly, " Why do you keep asking me that? "

" Oh nothing. Actually, is there a chance where I can meet that boy? " Haewon asked.

" Oh, sure! " Lily said with an uneasy smile, " I'll invite him during lunch, kay? "

" Okay... "

Haewon was not ready to see Lily's so called 'boyfriend'. She just simply couldn't believe that Lily is really in a romantic relationship. There was just no way.

Haewon was so sure that Lily liked her, Lily would always give cheek kisses to Haewon, she would always be around Haewon, she would just be there whenever Haewon was there. Maybe it was because Lily was Haewon's best friend, maybe that's just what best friends do.

Haewon was probably just overreacting, Lily doesn't actually like Haewon, she was just simply being... kind.

She sat on the lunch table sadly with the thought that Lily had a real boyfriend that loves her. She had her lunchbox opened already, but she hasn't eaten a single bite yet, she was just playing with her food.

Haewon sighs. There goes her dreams of having a family with Lily, it was crushed.

" Um, hey Haewon... "

" Oh, Lily. " Haewon looked around Lily, " Where's your boyfriend..? "

" He's busy, he said that he couldn't be with me today, " Lily said with her tone slowly dropping down, " But it's fine! " She said with a bright tone, " I'm sure you'll see him someday... "

She sat down in front of Haewon.

" You don't actually have a boyfriend do you? "

" Wha- No! I do! "

Haewon laughed at the older one as she took a bite of her lunch, " I can tell when you're lying Lily. "

" R-Really? "

No, she couldn't. She just took the opportunity to see if Lily was really lying about having a boyfriend or not.

" Do you have a boyfriend? "

" Umm. No... I don't. " Lily turned red, embarrassed.

Tricking Lily was just too easy.

" I knew it! You said that you were dating him since last week and I have never even seen you with him. " Haewon's smile faded, " But, why did you lie though..? "

" If I tell you it'd be so embarrassing though! " Lily rubbed through her hair with her hand, " Promise me that we would still be friends, okay? "

" Is it really something that serious to the point where I might stop being friends with you? "

" Maybe? "

" I've been friends with your since the start of my life, Lily. " Haewon smiled, " Now tell me, I'm curious. "

" I like you..? " Lily confessed with a questioned and uncertain tone in it, she whispered it quietly hoping that Haewon wouldn't be able to hear it.

" You like- me? " Haewon's jaw dropped, showing bits of food in her mouth.

" C-Close your mouth you stupid- " Lily avoided Haewon's gaze as she used her hand to covered Haewon's mouth, " And yes, I like you. "

" Out of all the scenarios of how I would confess to you, this is none of them. " Haewon laughed.

" S-Scenarios?! Does it mean- "

" Yes, you idiot, " Haewon continued laughing as she eventually stopped with a fixed smile on her face, " You have no idea how jealous I was when you first told me that you had a boyfriend. "

" Ohhh! That's why you were acting so weird and grumpy that day. "

" Then I slowly stopped believing that you actually have a boyfriend. " Lily's cheeks turned bright red.

" What is that obvious I was lying? " She scratched the side of her head.

" A bit. "

" A bit? "

" No, a lot. "

Lily chuckled, she can't believe that her and Haewon didn't stop becoming friends after that. After all, she was thankful that she's Haewon's girlfriend now.

Wait, was she?

" Are we dating now..? "

" What do you think? " Haewon stopped eating as she looked up at Lily, smiling at how clueless and cute Lily looked right now.

" Y-Yes? "

" Good job. " She continued eating, maybe skipping breakfast wasn't really that good.

Lily admired Haewon with her hands below her chin, holding up her head. The way Haewon eats is so messy, but so cute too. She always looks like she's in a hurry when she eats.

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