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I'm tempted on making a Spotify playlist for this book but I'm not entirely sure just yet. Hope you enjoy :)

Eleanor woke the next morning to the sound of a showering being turned on. She rubbed her eyes and sat up looking at the bed across from hers. It seems Malfoy was already awake and taking a shower. Perfect time to have some alone time. Eleanor reached over and grabbed her journal that was already prepared and sitting on her nightstand when she arrived yesterday. Her mind wondered what she should write and how she could put her thoughts into words.

Dear Mom

    I made it to Hogwarts for my sixth year. After this year I'll have only one year left to go. The castle is as beautiful as ever. Every time I'm here, I always think of when you were a student here. Sometimes I even imagine seeing you in the halls or flying out on the quidditch field.

    It was nice coming back to see everyone. I know Theo offered to take care of me this summer but you and dad left me with lots to do and lots to take care of. Don't worry I'm not mad.

    Grandma and your sisters requested I have my own private dorm this year. I didn't even know that was possible. They weren't the only ones who knew about it though. Lucius Malfoy also happened to learn about it and requested one for his son. You remember him, that stupid blonde from second year.

    You wont believe it though but the school only had one private dorm. So until they fix it guess who I have to room with? That stupid blonde from second year. Draco Malfoy is my roommate.

    I'm not sure how long it will be but it will be a very long wait.

    I miss you.

Love, Ele

Eleanor closed the book and set it down on the nightstand as she heard the water turn off. Shortly after the bathroom door opened and a shirtless Draco walked out holding a white button up and tie in his hands. Her eyes widened as she looked at the boy in front of her, who has yet to realize she was awake. She didn't realize how hard she was staring until she met eyes with the boy.

"You going to keep staring or are you going to get dressed?" Draco asked as he buttoned up his shirt. Eleanor grabbed the quilt and brought it up covering the lower half of her face.

"You mean out here?" Eleanor questioned, confused and embarrassed from getting caught staring.

Draco stopped adjusting his tie and turned to look at her, "No you idiot. In the bathroom."

Eleanor groaned and threw the blanket over her head, "I'm not an idiot! I just woke up Malfoy." She yelled under the covers. Draco finished and sat on the end of his bed looking at the scene in front of him.

"You sure about that Taylor?"

Eleanor made another loud groan before shoving a hand out of the covers simply to flip him off. She looked down at her outfit remembering again the situation she was in.

"Can you like, turn away or something? So I can grab my uniform and go to the washroom. I don't think you would want to see this." Eleanor whined out.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Draco trailed off. Eleanor threw the covers off her head, mouth agape and she stared at him in shock.

"W-what?" Eleanor stuttered, "What do you mean?"

Draco could feel his heart quicken and his face turn hot. Panic started to rise through him. He quickly rose from the bed, "Nothing you idiot. Just get dressed." He said quickly walking out of their shared dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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