i. five - grover and the case of his missing legs

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words : 2998

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dozens of pairs of eyes watched her as she entered the large pavillion.

alliah had never liked being watched - especially under the eyes of a sea of unfamiliar faces.

she stared right back at what had to be at least a hundred kids, all dressed in the same orange tee shirts, some sat in different tables and others up and walking around with plates of food.

as soon as she'd noticed them turn to glance at her, they looked right back away, seemingly more focused on their food in an instant after they acknowledged her existence. she felt relieved. she liked that - the staring leaving her alone after a quick glance. couldn't people be more like that in general?

"hmm..." annabeth smiled to herself, noting the smell that hung in the air. "barbeque tonight..."

alliah felt her stomach growl - now that she'd left the infirmary, her hunger had become much harder to ignore.

"that right there is a cry for help." annabeth joked. "c'mon, let's get some food in you before you get expositioned the hell out of you."

"expo..." alliah thought for a second. "like the thing that digs up dirt at construction sites?"

"nevermind. just follow me."

she did as told, trailing behind the girl as she made her way over to a table crowded with a bunch of unfamiliar faces - alliah felt herself tense up.

"cabins have their own tables they stick to most of the time, but nobody's really too strict on it." annabeth explained, gesturing to the table ahead of them and the couple other dozen tables throughout the pavilion. "this is cabin 11's table. i'm gonna leave you with luke here for a little..." she motioned towards a handsome boy a few seats away from them.

he waves at them, gesturing for alliah to join him. she hesitates and waits for annabeth to continue.

"i'll be back with you straight after dinner, i gotta catch up with my table." she smiled. "just relax, he's really nice. he'll explain cabins and stuff and i'll deal with the rest later, kay?"

"oh, uh, sure..."

alliah gingerly made her way over to luke as annabeth walked off in the other direction.

"hey." the boy smiled sweetly, patting down an empty spot beside him. "come sit, newbie - i don't sting, don't worry."

she nodded, taking her seat. she found herself looking up at a dozen other faces gawking at her - she couldn't tell if it were out of judgement or-

"you're really pretty." a girl across from her cut her thoughts off. "like, really pretty."

a couple other heads nodded in agreement and alliah found her cheeks growing warm.

"oh, thanks." she blushed. "that's really sweet, so are you."

the girl smiled before turning to the plate of barbecue in front of her, a happy grin on her face.

"so, what's your name, newbie?" luke re-captured her attention. alliah studied him for a second.

he was handsome, very handsome - handsome was an understatement.

even while sat, she could tell he was tall. she could spot biceps and other arm muscles peeking out from the short sleeves of his tee shirt which made alliah's stomach feel a little funnier. he had a head of dark curly hair, fair skin and a gorgeous face - alliah noted to herself to not stare for too long or else he might run away.

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