Chapter 80

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The laboratory belonging to the Langyan Superpower Group is located in a scientific research institute in Z City before the end of the world. Most of the researchers in the laboratory have also worked in various research institutes in Z City. Their research focus is mainly on developing immune vaccines against zombie viruses and finding ways to purify soil and water sources, but the results are not great. At least apart from filtering water, this group of researchers has not come up with anything more useful, so the entire laboratory can be considered This is the department where Lang Yan has the most leisure time and the least attention.

Ruan Ning's arrival really excited the laboratory director and the dozen or so researchers who had been busy all day long.

The main reason is that the relationship between Mr. Ruan and the group leader is basically public. She is now the official wife of the group leader. His words and deeds can largely represent the group leader. This time he can come to visit the laboratory. What does it mean? It shows that the group still values ​​this laboratory, which reassures the researchers who have been unable to produce experimental results and are anxiously worried that the laboratory will be banned.

Don't look at them as technicians before the end of the world. As long as they have real ability, they can be supported by everywhere and have no worries about food and clothing. But in the end of the world, these proud people really know what it means to be useless and a scholar with no superpowers. If you don't know how to fight zombies, who will buy their account in the end of the world? That is, only a large superpower group like Langyan will have the strength to continue to provide for a rudimentary laboratory like them.

However, the laboratory is not full of ordinary people. For example, Yang Rui, the laboratory director who is currently accompanying Ruan Ning to show him around, is said to be Hou Yu's old classmate and a first-level brain superpower.

"Mr. Ruan, I heard from Monkey that you are here this time because you want us to analyze the composition of a liquid?"

Director Yang is an average-looking person, but his thin, frail scholarly appearance and the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose make him look steady and honest. As a technician, Yang Rui is obviously not comfortable staying in the laboratory for a long time. Good at communication, he walked around silently with the curious Ruan Ning, and it took him a long time to hold back such a sentence.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I almost forgot about it in the heat of the moment," Ruan Ning smiled at him apologetically, stopped looking around, and instead reached out and pulled out the two that had been prepared. A glass with the same white liquid was handed to him, "Director Yang, the one on the left is the original solution, and the one on the right has a lot of minerals in it. I just want you to help me test the two. What are the specific differences between the cups of liquid now? It would be better if we could analyze the ingredients of the original liquid on the left and its specific effects on people."

After hearing this, Yang Rui stretched out his hand to take the cup with slight interest and observed it with his naked eyes for a while. It was colorless and tasteless. At this time, more than a dozen researchers who had been installing murals nearby also came over in twos and threes, looking and smelling at the two cups for a long time. Being left in the laboratory doing nothing for more than half a month obviously made these researchers uneasy. Therefore, the sudden work brought by Ruan Ning made these researchers who had been worried about being "fired" by Lang Yan all excited. This was The regiment can also use them for the work assigned by the regiment leader's wife. Look at the people with supernatural powers who meet in the cafeteria in the future and dare to say that they are freeloaders.

Ruan Ning waited patiently for a while. Seeing that the group of people had finished their excitement, Ruan Ning said apologetically, "Director Yang, because the work this time is very urgent, I couldn't say hello in advance, so I'm so presumptuous. I'm so sorry for sending the stuff."

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