Chapter 70

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In the space, the young man, whose whole body was soaked in the spiritual spring, was playing with the pendant in his hand. The pendant is a statue of Guanyin carved from a piece of pure white soft jade. The jade is translucent and pure, like gelatin. Even though Ruan Ning doesn't know much about this, he still feels that the jade Guanyin in his hand looks outstanding in terms of color and texture. They were much better than what Lin Yuehuan gave him last time in Sanshi.

Ruan Ning didn't wear the jade medal last time, but put it in the space. To be honest, he didn't like to wear something with him because it would make him nervous.

But since it was a New Year's gift, Ruan Ning thought for a while and put on the jade Guanyin. He touched the pendant on his chest and found that it was not heavy, so just wear it. It wouldn't be a problem anyway. Taking advantage of the situation, he sank his body downwards, and the rǔ white spring water soaked into his collarbones. Under the washing of spiritual energy, his whole body was filled with an intoxicating feeling of comfort.

"Huh~" Ruan Ning exhaled and soaked lazily in the spiritual spring without wanting to come out. Somehow, he felt that the bath was particularly comfortable today...

In the end, he crawled out of the Lingquan Pool. Ruan Ning wiped himself and touched the pendant on his chest habitually. It was a bit uncomfortable to wear such a gadget so suddenly... Huh? Where's the stuff? !

Ruan Ning looked around and found that apart from the red coil still hanging around his neck, the Guanyin that was supposed to be hanging on his chest was missing! Could it be that it fell into the spiritual spring?

Ruan Ning stared at the rǔ white smoky spiritual spring in front of him and almost cried without tears. How could he find a pool of ten meters in diameter and two meters deep?

He got dressed nervously and left the room. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw Lin Yuehuan leaning on the bed and reading documents. When Ruan Ning came out, the man put down the paper in his hand and patted the edge of the bed to signal him to sit down.

Ruan Ning moved over slowly with a grimace, wondering how to tell him that Jade Guanyin was lost in his bath? No matter how hard this reason sounds, it doesn't make sense! The bathtub in the bathroom is only so big. How could he lose something and not be able to find it back? But considering that he entered the space to take a bath, Ruan Ning didn't want to reveal the extraordinary features of his space.

"Come here and let me wipe your hair." Lin Yuehuan took the towel from Ruan Ning's hand and sat him down on the bed. He wiped his hair gently and asked, "Do you still like the gift?"

Ruan Ning suddenly became nervous and replied unnaturally: "I, I like it." I really liked it, but it was a pity that I lost it in the shower (┬_┬)

Lin Yuehuan saw the red rope hanging around his neck with satisfaction, and thought to himself: It seems that Xiao Ning really likes it this time. He never saw him wearing the jade sign he gave him last time, but that sign belongs to someone else. Maybe someone has worn it before, but it would be better for Xiao Ning not to wear it. Unlike this Guanyin, my father specially asked someone to carve it when he was born. No one except him, Lin Yuehuan, has ever touched it again.

"As long as you like it. I brought it to you when I was a kid. It has been blessed by an eminent monk. Don't take it off. It can keep you safe." What's more important is that it is specially used to give away to his wife. Put it on and run. No more falling.

Ruan Ning became even more nervous after hearing this. Did you bring it up since you were a child? What to do? Someone lost it as soon as he got it. After hesitating again and again, Ruan Ning mustered up the courage to turn around, put on the expression of a strong man who cut off his wrist and said to the man behind him who was wiping his hair wholeheartedly: "Brother Huan, please stop wiping his hair. I, let me tell you something."

Doomsday Control (unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora