Chapter 56

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On the other side, in the retail market on Guangping Street, Zhao Tinghe and a few of his men had just packed up the shop that Ruan Ning had set his sights on in the morning.

The lighting in this shop is indeed good, especially on the second floor. The original wooden floor has been polished to a shine. The afternoon sunlight shines through the small balcony and casts a light-colored halo on the floor. Even the light floating in the air The fine dust reflects a warm and soft light, making people feel drowsy.

Zhao Tinghe only asked people to place a set of soft sofas and a coffee table on the second floor. He was afraid that Ruan Ning had other arrangements for the second floor, so he just cleaned the place and put a few simple things on it. There will be no more decorations.

On the first floor, he really put some effort into it. After entering, there is a large glass counter. The counter is similar to the old department store counter. It is the kind where goods can be placed inside, so that people can clearly see what is inside the counter through the glass barrier. There is a huge glass cabinet for stuff, and behind the counter there is a set of wooden containers with the same color as the floor. The wooden partitions divide the containers into open grids, and various goods can also be placed on them...

"Brother Zhao, do you think this is enough?" A subordinate rubbed his hands and approached Zhao Tinghe and asked.

"Okay, I think that's it." Zhao Tinghe looked at the spacious, bright and clean shop again, and felt quite satisfied. It was a bit empty, but Zhao Tinghe definitely couldn't decorate this place like a convenience store.

There is a mixed bag of people in this scattered market. He also heard that the dual-system superpower user has both water and space systems. This is a auxiliary system with no combat effectiveness. If the store is decorated like a convenience store, even if a few unsighted people come and take the things and leave, Mr. Ruan probably won't be able to do anything about it for a while.

When Mr. Ruan suffers a loss, the group leader will have to vent his anger on him. After searching around, he finds out that it was him, Zhao Tinghe, who originally designed the store like that. How can he still do well? It's better to play it safe from the beginning.

"Brothers have worked hard today. Let me treat you tonight..." Just when Zhao Tinghe was about to say that he would treat him tonight, he saw a familiar-looking man who looked like a member of the third team hurried over.

"Is it Brother Zhao? I am the grandson of the third team." When the man arrived, he announced his family name.

"Yes, it's us. Brother, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Tinghe was very surprised. Why did the people from the third team come to him?

"Hey, something really happened. Didn't our captain ask me to pass on a message? The brothers were busy all afternoon and were very tired. Mr. Ruan felt bad. It happened that he was going to treat guests to dinner in the evening, so he simply invited Mr. Zhao and Several brothers are also going together, which can be considered as a way to express his gratitude." The people from the third team said politely.

"How can we afford Mr. Ruan's thanks? We are also acting under orders from above, but we dare not let Mr. Ruan treat us just because of this." Zhao Tinghe declined repeatedly.

I had long heard that the third captain had a particularly good relationship with the dual-type superpower. It seemed that the third captain had brought him all the way back from Yunhai City. Sure enough, those who didn't notice the invitation were all members of the third team. But... this, the relationship between their captain and the third captain... he really didn't dare to go.

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