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Ten woke up the next morning in a bit of a rush, as he had overslept slightly. He rushed around the house, let out a mumbled goodbye to his mother, before starting his walk to school. Occasionally he would take a bus to school, but today he didn't have enough time to wait for one, or he would have been late for sure.

When he got there, he went straight to class, not bothering to go to his locker first to put away things he wouldn't need that day.

"Wow, you look terrible." Hendery giggled from beside him.

Ten shot him a glare, which got the boy to stop laughing, and instead face the teacher who had walked into the room.

When class was over, he went to one of the emptier bathrooms to check out how he looked. He realized Hendery wasn't wrong, he looked like he had just rolled out of bed and threw on the nearest hoodie to him before leaving, which is pretty much what he did. He tried his best to fix his hair, he always had a mini comb in his bag just in case, and he also washed his face quickly. He at least looked presentable now.

Eventually it was lunchtime, after a few long and boring classes. He was walking to the lunchroom with his usual group, before he remembered he had promised to sit with Mark and his friends.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to be sitting with some of my other friends today." he spoke quietly.

"Oh my god, you have other friends?" Hendery laughed, but his comment was ignored by Ten.

"That's ok, I wasn't going to eat with you guys anyways." Winwin said flatly.

"Yeah, I figured. You're always off with that one guy, it's not a surprise anymore." Ten rolled his eyes well speaking.

"Wait, wait. So that means you guys are leaving me alone with these three babbies???" Kun said well frowning.

"Hey, I am not a baby!" Yangyang whined at the older.

"You sure about that?" he said back.

Ten laughed at his friends, before spotting the others at a table not to far from the entrance.

"Well, I'll see you guys later. Good luck, Kun."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" the boy said back, but it was too late as Ten had already started walking over to the others.

He felt a little nervous, he was unsure as to why, so he tried to shove the feeling down.

When he got there, he saw Doyoung and smiled. He poked the boy in the side before sitting down next to him.

"Hey, what was that for!" the boy said upset, before turning to see Ten next to him, and then he let out a big smile.

"Ten! It's so good to see you!" he gave Ten a mini hug before looking him in the eyes. "It's about time there was someone here who was also sane like me."

"Excuse me, we all here are very, very normal." Mark retorted as he sat down across from them.

Ten and Doyoung both looked at each other before laughing, causing Mark to frown at them.

They all made small talk well the other three boys slowly joined them. Somehow Ten found himself sitting between Doyoung and Johnny, making him feel very small again.

"So Ten? What's your real name? I would assume it's not Ten, because that would be weird. Is it rude to ask that? Sorry." Johnny spoke to him rushed, causing Ten to laugh lightly.

"No, no its fine! My real name is Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, but I've always just gone by Ten Lee, at least well living here."

Johnny nodded back at him.

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