Start from the beginning

In Coriolanus' eyes, Lucy Gray appeared vulnerable— scared of the repercussions of his actions in the arena.

The contrast with Seraphina, who wouldn't flinch in the face of such brutality, fueled his internal turmoil. Seraphina, in his twisted perspective, emerged once more as the epitome of perfection— a counterpart as twisted and complex as himself.

"That little girl, Dill..." Lucy Gray began once more.

As Lucy Gray continued to unravel the threads of her guilt, Coriolanus played his part in the deceptive symphony, the tune of his feigned empathy a mere pretense.

Her words became an empty echo in his ears, a monotonous drone that he drowned out with whispered assurances of "I know," devoid of genuine understanding or concern.

In an orchestrated move, Coriolanus gently cupped Lucy Gray's face in his hands, a gesture that belied his hidden motives.

"You're safe," he uttered, a calculated reassurance that aimed to exploit her vulnerabilities.

The kiss that followed was a strategic maneuver, a strategic silence enforced by the meeting of their lips.

As their mouths entwined, Coriolanus couldn't help but let his mind drift, his thoughts betraying the reality of his desires.

In the midst of Lucy Gray's affections, he envisioned a different face, a different touch – Seraphina's.

The emptiness he felt during the kiss, the void that Seraphina alone could fill, only intensified his resentment towards Lucy Gray.

Coriolanus, trapped in a moment of hollow intimacy, recognized the extent of his miscalculation.

His sacrifice for Lucy Gray had yielded nothing but regret and frustration. The clarity that he did not harbor the same feelings for Lucy Gray as he did for Seraphina fueled a growing anger within him.

Amidst the kiss, Coriolanus found solace in his resolve to escape District 12. Lucy Gray's unwitting role in his plans became more apparent, her feelings a pawn in the game he was determined to win.

The kiss became a means to an end, a tool for manipulation in Coriolanus' grand design for retribution and redemption.

Coriolanus trudged back from the interrupted encounter with Lucy Gray, the taste of her kiss a bitter reminder of the twisted web he had woven for himself.

As he approached, he couldn't ignore the sight of Sejanus engaged in a whispered discussion with the same man from the Hob and the notorious Billy Taupe.

Suspicion crept into Coriolanus' thoughts like a serpent coiling in the shadows.

Sejanus, oblivious to Coriolanus' internal turmoil, greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Hey, you're back. How's Lucy Gray?" His innocent inquiry sparked a storm of resentment within Coriolanus, who responded with a silent glare.

Sejanus, undeterred, continued, "Figured you'd be a while, so I decided to explore town." Coriolanus scoffed, not buying into Sejanus' casual demeanor.

"Oh. With Billy Taupe? And who's that other guy with him?" Coriolanus probed, his suspicion manifesting in every word.

"I remember that from the Academy. Watching you watch everyone. Carefully choosing when to weigh in... you and Sera." Sejanus, ever perceptive, brought up memories from the Academy, invoking the shadow of Seraphina.

Coriolanus felt a pang of possessiveness at the casual mention of her nickname.

"Are you trying to help these people?" Coriolanus questioned, his towering figure casting a shadow over Sejanus.

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