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Clarisse walks behind Annabeth and Percy as the stop in front of the Amusement Park.

"I haven't seen a lot of horror movies, but this seems like exactly the kind of place there suggest to avoid." Percy says, as the approach the front of it.

"Amusement Park from Hell." Clarisse looks around narrowing her eyes.

"I've never seen any kind of movie." Annabeth speaks up, making both Percy and Clarisse shoot her a confused look. "I'll just take your word for it."

"Never?" Percy asks.

"What do you mean 'never?' Like, 'never-ever?" Percy asks Annabeth, clarifying the girls previous words.

"Is there another kind?" Annabeth asks him sarcastically.

"Well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really outta fix that." Percy tells her. "You're missing out."

"Smooth water boy." Clarisse scoffs a laugh quietly to where only Percy hears her.

"I'm the mean time, we should probably get this over with, though." Percy clears his throat, not looking at the taller girl as they face the entrance to the park.

Percy walks ahead first, it was the type of entrance where you have to push a bar window so you would be able to get out on the other side.

"Percy wait!" Annabeth calls out as she realizes it was a trap.

"Wait what just happened?" Percy looks up confused seeing as gears where turning above him.

"Just hold still." Annabeth tells him, motioning for him to stop as Clarisse walks towards him, eyeing the contraption above the boy.

"Give us a second." Clarisse tells him as Annabeth steps next to her.

"In the mechanism there, that's Celestial bronze." Annabeth points out making Clarisse nods as Percy looks at her confused.

"Oh fascinating. Annabeth, what is happening right now?" Percy says sarcastically.

"Celestial bronce is what your sword is made of." Annabeth clarifies, making the boy panic slightly.

"If your a human it's pass right through you. If your a monster or a Demi god...." Annabeth trails off as the blades of some time of saw moved, above Percy's head.

"What's it doing there?" Percy questions, panic in his voice.

"That's a great question." Clarisse tells him as neither one of them knew.

"Safe to say this is not just some amusement park." Annabeth tells them.

"Just like my dad to leave out the important details". Clarisse scoffs in frustration, god it was just like the son of a bitch. "A god built this."

"What kind of god builds amusement parks?" Percy questions, looking up panicked as the wheels saw turning.

"Hephaestus." Annabeth states, looking around as it clicked.

"Why would Hephaestus build an amusement park?" Percy questions, seeming full of them.

"Maybe he finds them amusing?" Clarisse raises her eyebrows.

"That's really not funny, Clarisse." Percy tells her, rolling his eyes as she managed to make a dad joke as his life was on the line.

"It's a little funny." Clarisse let's out a dry laugh.

"It kinda is." Annabeth tilts her head in agreement.

"Oh... oh look at that. That's cool." Annabeth stares as the saw spinning but not moving.

Towards the Sun {Clarisse La RueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora