Raziel sighed in defeat, "alright, let's go." Raziel glided smoothly away, Samael following close behind. Samael smiled feeling the wind against his face and his wings. he loved the feeling of flying, being free, and in his own world.

They flew over small buildings and through clouds. Heaven was beautiful but simple. it was mostly just clouds and blue sky. A few small buildings here and there, but the buildings were nothing special. it was hard not to go insane in this simple and boring world.

Raziel came to a slow stop, softly landing on the fluffy clouds. She neatly tucked her wings behind her back. Samael inelegantly landed next to her, he shook his wings before tucking them, sloppily, away.

Samael looked up ahead of them, smiling as he saw Lucifer. Lucifer was beautiful, he had 6 pure white wings that seemed to glow faintly. He was mostly pure white with some red markings along his back. Micheal and Gabriel sat close by Lucifer, they talking to each other. Another archangel, Vance, sat next to an angel that Samael did not know the name of. "Hi Lucifer!" said Samael. "Oh! Hey kids!" Lucifer exclaimed. "Im having a meeting right now, so i'll be with you in a couple minutes, ok?" "Alright, we'll just wait outside the door." Lucifer had spent time with Samael and Raziel since they were children, which is mostly why Samael has such a big admiration of him. After a few minutes go by, Lucifer flies over to the door, saying "See you later" to the other archangels. "There you are!" said Raziel. "So, what do you kids need this time?" Lucifer smirked, looking down at Samael and Raziel."We just got off of our gate guarding shift, and I had nothing else to do, so i dragged Raziel to come see you." Samael explained, walking over to stand in front of Lucifer."Y'know, guarding the gate is a very important job. I know you dont like it and it's boring, but if something got in, who knows what would happen." Lucifer lightly scolded, Lucifer practically raised Samael, he knew that Samael despised his job. "Yeeeaahhh, i know..." Samael whined, "But it's just, theres nothing that will come in! I don't see even another angel flying by!" Samael sat down, letting his wings droop slightly as complained. "Hey, you never know kid. That boring time you spend is helping every angel out there. Your doing a good job" Lucifer wraps his wings around Samael, essentially giving him a hug. "Thank you, Uncle Lucifer." Samael said, appreciatively. "Uncle Lucifer? You haven't called me that in a hot minute!" Lucifer laughed softly, nudging Samael gently with his wings.  "Well, i just thought it would be nice to bring it back for once, yknow?" Said Samael. "Yeah, it was nice. Ok, you know how it is. I have to go now, ill see you kids tomorrow ok?" Lucifer said, unfolding his wings, "Gotta go back to Archangel business." Lucifer rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Yep, we know!" Both Samael and Raziel said. "Goodbye Lucy!" Raziel shouts. "HEY, i told you not to call me Lucy!!" Lucy shouts back as he began to fly away. "Hahaha! I just thought id bring another name back!" Raziel continues shouting as both her and Samael start to fly back to their homes. Heaven is a very vast plane of existence. Imagine if you took a city, but each building was on its own cloud, and you could travel hundreds of miles and still be finding plenty of things. Heaven was seemingly limitless, and not entirely explored. After all, when things die, they want to be with other spirits, so there are huge groups of angels throughout parts of heaven. Although some do like living "off the grid" as much as they did when they were alive. Samael could see everything from high up. All the puffy, soft clouds beneath, next to, above, and in front of him. Samael and Raziel lived in an area of heaven called "The living space". It doesn't have a fancy name because, well, It didn't need one. The living space is the largest habited area of heaven. Its where angels live when they aren't doing their jobs. There are multiple living spaces throughout heaven, each with a different name. The angels like to call them "clans", although they aren't really clans, and everyone gets along. "Well, I'll see you later Samael!" Raziel called as she started to turn towards her home "You too Raziel!" Samael waved as he turned to head towards his home. They only live a few "houses" apart, so Samael and Raziel pretty much spend all their time together.

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