Chapter 2

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Hot shot was in Cook Children's hospital, he just found out he has cancer. Hot shot was soon going to start treatment for it and he was kind of nervous about it. But he was going to be brave for it. Because he wanted to get better.

Right now it was nighttime and Hot shot was sleeping in his hospital bed. Hot shot wasn't having a restful sleep at the moment. It was very uneasy and unpleasant. Hot shot was worrying about what was going to happen. He was also in pain from his lower back. It didn't hurt as much due to having most of the tumor removed. But it still hurt.

Hot shot woke up due to the pain in his back. "Ouch," Hot shot said. 

"What is wrong?' Quickshadow asked.

"It's my back it is hurting a lot," Hot shot said.

"I know it hurts," Quickshadow said. "But try to take it easy okay?" she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

A nurse came into the room and checked on Hot shot. "My back hurts," Hot shot said.

"Would you like some pain killers?" the nurse asked.

"Please," Hot shot said.

The nurse left and came back later with some medicine. "Here this should help," the nurse told him.

Hot shot took the cup from the nurse and took the medicine. "Good job Hot shot," the nurse said. "It should start working in about 10 minutes," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. After ten minutes Hot shot's back felt better and he fell asleep. Hot shot was sound asleep.

The nurse would wake him up a few times that night to check on him. She also was seeing if he needed more painkillers. She even hooked him up to fluids because test she did earlier showed he was dehydrated. So Hot shot was able to sleep for the remainder of the night.

The next morning the sun rose. The light was spilling into the windows of Hot shot's room. Hot shot woke up. "Good morning mummy," Hot shot said.

"Good morning Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

Dr. Burnizi came to check on Hot shot. "Hot shot we are going to do some tests to see if the cancer has spread, and if it has spread to see how far it has spread," Dr. Burnizi said. "Then we can plan when to start treatment," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

To get his tests done Hot shot was taken around in a wheelchair since he couldn't walk. It was his rental wheelchair since his own personal wheelchair won't come in for a few months.

Hot shot got some scans done to see if the cancer has spread outside his leg. It didn't hurt one little bit. Hot shot stayed very still for it. It wasn't so bad at all. In fact it was just fine.

Hot shot also got a blood test done to check his blood to see if he was healthy enough to begin treatment. Hot shot also got a urine test to see if he was doing alright and be okay for treatment.

Hot shot also had a regular check up as well. Hot shot was kept pretty busy for most of the day.

Hot shot was able to get lunch at the Chic-fil-a at the hospital. Hot shot was happy to have it there too. Hot shot was wondering when treatment was going to start.

Hot shot met with Dr. Walters his dietitian. "Hot shot you need to eat plenty during treatment, you need a lot of calories while on cancer treatment," Dr. Walters said. "The chemotherapy might not make you want to eat because it will make you feel sick, or because your mouth will be sore, or it will make your appetite go away, or it will make foods taste bland, or all the same," she said. "Sometimes intervention is needed, but don't worry about it if you need it, because it happens to almost every patient," she told him. "Some times a high calorie diet with foods you want to eat will help because sometimes patients only crave and want to eat certain foods. Or you will need appetite stimulants to make you hungry. Or you have feeding tube, there are a few different types, but two are normally used for kids, some kids have a gastric tube or g-button, other have a nasogastric tubes or ng tubes," she said. "A gastric tube or g-button is a tube that is put in with surgery and it goes right into your stomach, it is normally used for kids who don't do well with NG tube, or need radiation done to there head neck or chest when the intervention is needed," she said. "NG tubes are tubes that go up your nose and into your tummy, many kids have these, they quickly get used to it." she said.

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