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Tommy wears a borrowed bulletproof vest over his favorite hoodie. He fiddles with the straps, pulling them so tight he can't breathe before loosening them up just a little bit, just enough to get air back in his lungs. The jerkiness of his breathing helps keep him focused even when he knows it is horrible for his health. This entire situation is bad for his health, but he's here, anyway, so he might as well do whatever else he needs to do in order to regain some of his mental fortitude.

Tommy is standing behind a parapet on a rooftop. He's staring across the street at a luxury hotel, ignoring the sheer drop that stretches out between him and the street below. The hotel is burning bright with golden light. He is certain there is a casino near the bottom because he can hear the slot machines and cheering people when the wind blows the right way. The roof of the hotel boasts a large pool and hot tub. Even though clocks are striking close to midnight, the pool is open for anyone and the residents of the hotel are taking full advantage of that to swim around with friends and drink. The floors between the casino and the pool are for people staying at the hotel, and the curtains are closed behind almost every window. There are a few windows that are open, people smoking out of them, and some of the uncovered windows reveal that no one is staying in that particular room.

Tommy has never cared about hotels before. He doesn't care about them now, either. He only cares about this specific one because according to Nemesis and Shadow Girl, Wilbur is being kept here. Shadow Girl is currently doing a sweep of the hotel, double-checking that everyone is where they are supposed to be according to their information. They aren't going to act if any full-fledged members of the Syndicate are there, only goons. This is because they want to bring Tommy in on the plan. Tommy didn't want to interfere with their plan, but Shadow Girl told Tommy that Wilbur wasn't going to trust her or Nemesis. If Tommy wanted Wilbur to leave that hotel, he needed to prove that he was working with them to Wilbur and this wasn't a trap. Tommy reluctantly agreed, and Nemesis immediately swore to keep him safe at all costs. Tommy didn't care for her promise, but she's currently waiting with him on the rooftop to ensure that they aren't ambushed.

"I'm proud of you," Nemesis mentions, lowering the binoculars she's been holding to her eyes since Shadow Girl first teleported them to the rooftop. Tommy shudders as he remembers what the teleportation was like. The shadows that surround Shadow Girl actually seem alive, and it felt like they were clawing at him when he traversed through whatever dark dimension Shadow Girl steps into when teleporting. Tommy vomited as soon as Shadow Girl got him to the roof. She showed concern for him, but Tommy slapped away both her and Nemesis' hands. He was not a child anymore. He had to get over his fear of darkness somehow, and he's heard exposure therapy is one way to go about it. Even if it isn't, Tommy is going to be brave for at least a night for the sake of his friend.

While Tommy is trying to stop reminiscing, silence stretches between him and Nemesis. It isn't rare for that to happen. Tommy doesn't speak to Nemesis unless he has to, and that isn't often. Nemesis does not follow that same code. The silence only prompts her to continue speaking, as if to explain herself further, "You're brave to rescue your friend. Even braver to face some of your fears in order to save him."

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Tommy growls, his eyes cutting over to her. She's sitting on the parapet with her back to the hotel. She twists the binoculars in her hands, playing with the harness that would hang around her neck. Tommy pulls at the strap of his bulletproof vest harshly. He nearly chokes as the breath is pressed right out of his chest. He loosens the vest. He puts his fist over his mouth immediately to muffle his cough. When he pulls his hand away, Nemesis is staring right at him. Tommy avoids her eyes. He doesn't want or need her concern. She has other things she should focus on rather than him, regardless of what promise she made to herself.

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